Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fun Day at Harris Teeter!!!

I got to work at 8:00 a.m. and was the only cashier.  Word on the floor was that management was very nervous because the "big wigs" were coming in today.  Tension filled the air.  Emotions were high.  Soon thereafter, in walk a bunch of suits wearing name tags.  They had arrived.  The head of HR introduced herself and bought a roll for 60 cents and had to use her debit card.  Another suit bought a $2.00 flashlight for his wife's stocking.  Another one tested me with gum.  Fine.  I didn't suck.  I am a morning person by nature and smiling at 8:15 and being friendly doesn't kill me.

Then an older tall nice looking man came through my line.  No name tag.  He said, "Young Lady?  Does Santa have your list this year?"

I replied:  "Do you mean does Santa know what I want for Christmas?"

He nodded.

"Oh yes!  He's known for a while.  Months, in fact."  (Wanted to say, "A better paying job", but I didn't.)

"Any worries?"

"No Sir...I've been a very good girl."

He chuckled and walked away.

10 seconds later Delores came up to me and said, "Girrrrlllllll!  You just done flirted with the president of Harris Teeter!!"

Then later a customer actually said, "I can't find my cotton pickin' card."  I got a cotton pickin' kick out of that.

Then Robin came in and asked Delores very loudly why she hasn't fired me yet.  Delores said, "No ma'am. I love Miss Kim.  She's a keeper.  She's excellent."

I hate to toot my own horn (well maybe not "hate") but it does feel good to feel appreciated.   


cybermatic said...

Well, it would've been better if you'd flirted with the President of Harris TEEter. Maybe next year.

Unknown said...

Teeter/Tetter. Peeter/Petter.

Do you know how many times I proof read this crap because of you?

Unknown said...

Proofread. I proofread this crap.