Friday, April 29, 2011

Robin made it through her first week!!!

And to honor the occasion, she bought me some "Skinny Girl Margaritas".  Been dying to try this since Bethenny came out with it, but North Cackalacki hasn't sold it.  Until now.  We were actually going to leave early for the airport tomorrow (in SC) to get some. 

It's 5:00 somewhere.

Cheers to Will and Kate!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another Day in Paradise.

Craigslist.  Laundry.  Phonecall to a friend who lives in AL to make sure she's still alive - she is.  Floors.   Craigslist.  Treadmill.  Grocery Store.  Stopped by Iris and Joe's to make sure that the one plant we were supposed to be taking care was still alive - it was.   Craigslist.  Lentil Soup.  Waiting for Robin.  Blog.  Craigslist.

I could so easily spend these days alone in front of the TV.  But I made a promise to myself to not have it on after the morning news.  Have been very good about that "rule".  Until today.  Last Friday night, there was a show called "Girls Night Out".  It was a tribute to female country stars.  I tivo'd it.   I hadn't watched yet and today I rationalized having it on because it's music based.  I wouldn't be sitting there watching it.  It's music.  I'd stay busy and just listen as I did stuff.

Then I realized that I had to watch.  I like Reba.  Don't care much for Rascal Flatts.   Really like Jennifer Nettles.  But when they announced that Ronnie Dunn was coming up, I had to watch.  I do not know where this love of him came from all of a sudden.  He is not good looking (like that matters) and he actually looked like a drunk homeless person singing one of Jennifer Nettles' song ("Stay").  It was awesome!  Then the rest of the show got really good.  Wynonna (LOVE HER) sang "Proud Mary"  with John Fogerty.  Of course that mother of hers flitted around while Wy nailed it.  Some other people sang and I really really enjoyed the show.  Only watched it once, but I've had it on all day.  Robin is so happy not to be here.

I like Carrie Underwood, even though I wanted Bo to win American Idol when it was down to the two of them.  Loved Bo and even called in and voted for him.  Haven't allowed myself to love Carrie all these years, but I think it may be time to let go of the sour grapes attitude.   In addition to being an extraordinarily talented singer, she seems to be a good person.  There's never any negative talk about her and she loves animals.  She's a stiff performer, but that's not reason enough not to love her.  On this show I watched, she sang "How Great Thou Art" and it was one of the most beautiful performances I have ever seen. 

After a while, I turned on last night's "American Idol".  Since I watched it live last night, I just wanted to listen to see if I missed anything.  I did not.  James blew everyone else out of the water.  Period.

Being almost done with my "chores" (always feel like Laura Ingalls when I use that term.  "Yes, Paw.  I milked the cows"), I decided to see if I could download that version of Carrie singing that song.  Got side tracked.

I have said more than once that there should be an "American Idol" show where they show all the season winners during their audtions.  Well when googling Carrie Underwood, there it was.  Her audition.  So then I had to google other winners.  I'm doing this the whole time that "Idol" is on in the background.

Then it dawned on me!  I wanna be a judge on "American Idol"!!!

My mom and Nelson called me this afternoon.  I guess while I was on the treadmill or in the shower, Robin called.  Looked at the phones, and she called seven time in five minutes.  What a psycho!  When she didn't reach me, she called my mom in a tizzy.  So my mom called me, "Are you OK?  Is everything OK?"  "Uh?  Yeahhhhhh.  Why?"

As usual, since they were in the car, I was on the GD bluetooth.  The conversation was, uh, raunchy, but I am not allowed to speak of it.  Half way through, I said, "This is going on my blog" and my mother reminded me that I have not gotten that laptop yet and it's not too late to cancel the order.  Which, by the way, the computer will be delivered between May 2nd and June 2nd.  Talk about CYA.

We talked about the perfection that is Robin's job.  They insist that I, too, will find something equally as perfect for myself.  Doubt it.  Can't even imagine a job that I would love, unless it involves writing.  I did think of something though.  I might enjoy working on the other side of workers' compensation.  Like in risk management for the employer.  I would love to harass the adjusters and attorneys.  Doubt there's much of an opportunity for anything like that here.  Meanwhile, I just keep applying online.   Tedious.

Robin's due home momentarily.  Need to go and act like I haven't been watching TV or on the computer all day.

Oh and the TV rule is definitely going to be broken tomorrow.  Little wedding on I wanna check out.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I've given myself a freaken headache...

Yesterday I was happy to announce that my car, my computer and my girl were all working.

Car still works and Robin says she goes to work every day.  Actually, I know she's working.  Picked her up for lunch today and noticed her office is next door to a tanning salon.  She called me a little while ago to inform me that she went to the salon to see how much they charge.  Cheapest place in town!   Hmmm...have a feeling I'll be visiting Robin quite a bit.

Notice I didn't say my computer is still working?  I spent ALL DAY down here (basement) yesterday playing on my computer.  At first my iTunes didn't work, but I figured it out.   Splurged on two new songs for my ipod.  Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" and Ronnie Dunn's "We All Bleed Red".  I've listened to "Rolling in the Deep" 16 times and "We All Bleed Red" eight times.  When I love a song, I never ever get sick of it. 

Hey!   If you combine the two songs,you get "Rolling in the Deep Red Blood".  Kinda catchy, no?   Lady Gaga?  Call me.  We'll do lunch.

I messed around with my photo gallery too.  Have over 8000 pictures, 7995 of which are dogs.  Trying to get them organized is not easy.

Then I tried to get into my documents.  The things I've written for the past few years.  The chapters for my book.  The query letters and samples of writing.  They are there, but I couldn't open them.  Robin took a look when she got home.  Apparently, I have no word processor.  (I really don't know what I'm talking about here.  Feel like a fish out of water.)  She called the computer repair guy this morning for me.  He said my hard drive is so badly damaged it wouldn't support a word processor, but for $140.00, I could buy Microsoft Word and see what happens.

This has totally bummed me out.  I can't even write anything anywhere.  Robin describes it as having a nice new shiny car with no engine.  Oh well.  Not the end of the world.  I guess.

Mid morning (after we'd talked at 7:00). my mom called.

"Have you got a minute?"

"That's all I do have.  Time."

"Well, I only have a minute.  I have a pie in the oven and Marylee and Dave are due here shortly.  We're going out for lunch and then coming back here for dessert.  Taking them to Flagler Fish Company.  We just love that place and it's been ages since we've gone there.  Think I'll get the lobster roll.  Can't go wrong with that."

"I think you just used your minute."

"We're gonna put money in your account so you can get a new computer."

(Felt a little bad for the sarcastic 'you just used  your minute' comment.)

"Excuse me?  What did you say?"

"Consider it an early Christmas present that I'll forget about so just consider it a gift.  I gotta go.  I love....".  Click.

Once I picked my jaw up off the ground, (I shouldn't sound so shocked - they have helped us out a lot during the past several months.  Same with Iris and Joe.) I called Robin to tell her I'd pick her up for lunch, but plans had changed.  We were going computer shopping.  Which we did.  (Don't worry, she got fed.)

Went to a couple places and didn't see what I want.  Which is a pink laptop.

Been researching all afternoon and I found what I want.  The headache comes from trying to figure out if I can get away from having Microsoft Word or Office.  That is included in the more expensive computers, but not all of them.  They all seem to come with Windows 7, but is that enough for what I need?  Called India, I mean Dell, and I think I learned that Windows 7 comes with a basic, unlicensed version of MS Word/Office, and that should be fine for what I need.  Told the guy that I'm a writer (had to laugh at myself a little when those words came out of my mouth) and that I needed a program that allows me to write and save it.

Was proud of myself for handling a technical situation and was excited to call Robin to tell her that I don't need MS Word or Office.  That Windows 7 has enough for me to write stuff.  She then had to burst my bubble and ask, "Where you gonna store it?"

I don't friggen know.  I just want a pink laptop, within budget, where I can write a bunch of crap. 

I need to hear my songs again. 

Idol's on tonight and I can't wait...Carole King Week.

BTW, thank you very very very very much Mom and Nelson!   I love you!

And thank you, Robin, for planting the seed in my mom's head that I am a total mental patient without a viable computer.  I love you!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My car, my computer and my girl are all working!!!!!

My car just needed a jump, so no big deal.

My computer is working but there are issues.  Can't get into my iTunes or documents.  I'm afraid to try to figure it out on my own so it will have to wait for Robin.  I really wish my computer was exactly like it used to be, but I'm happy to have what I have. 

Speaking of Robin ~ she absolutely loves the job!  And the benefits are to die for!  I've had jobs with good benefits, but these benefits blow those benefits out of the water.  In addition to all the health insurance you could imagine, she accumulates one day off every two weeks.  I had that at BC/BS and it really adds up.  Also, the 401K is phenomenal.  Rather than match dollar for dollar up to a certain amount, they automatically put in 20% of her salary.  She can add to it.    She gets 49 cents mileage reimbursement.  She really likes her boss, which is half the battle. 

In addition to all the perks, I can't imagine a better suited job for her.  Just glanced down on a piece of paper titled "Felon Friendly Agencies".  Awesome.

And she is so excited ~ she "gets" to go to a prison on Thursday!  Yipee!!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Too much time on my hands...

  But it's only for today.  Got my computer back from the computer hospital.  It had been hit with a terrible virus and I thought I'd lost everything, including the computer.  After five days in the infirmary, I received a call today saying to come get it and everything's fine.  "Whew" does not even begin to describe...

So tomorrow, I am going to go through all the things I've written and send off some query letters.  Also am going to enter another writing contest.  Think I will write something new for it.  A kind of from riches to rags but it's all good story.

Robin started her new job today.  Have heard from her a couple times and so far, so good.  Her boss took her to lunch, so she wasn't the cafeteria loser afterall.  

My day started with the treadmill, then the AAA guy came.  Thank God it wasn't the one who has always come in the past.  I said something to the guy about them being out there before.  He informed me that the other guy is his brother and he knew how often they've been here.  Oh well.  Not driving my car is obviously a thing of the past now that Robin's working.   I told him that and received a dismissive Robin-esque sarcastic "uh huh".   Bite me, JimBob.

I've potchkied around the house some.  Was planning on doing heavy duty housework before Ivis and Joe arrive on Saturday.  Not today.  A 'friend' dropped by early and unexpected.  Last month, a week late.  This month, four days early.  Robin, who is four years older than me, loves to tease me about menopause.  I've denied and denied, but she might be right.   Bite me, Robin.

Would love to have a great dinner cooking when she gets home, but we're having Easter leftovers.   Robin, super Jew - NOT, loves her ham.

I've called my mother about a dozen or two times today.  Applied for a bunch of who knows if they're for real jobs on craigslist.  Half the jobs on there are BS. 

I did kill some time on a wild goose chase.  My TV news anchor friend who I stalked in Miami until she became my friend posted something on Facebook.  She asked if anyone could remember the name of the doll from the mid-60's who had a soft (not plastic) face and a yellow night gown.  She couldn't remember the name and it's driving her crazy.   Yeah, well now it's driving me crazy too.  And my mother.   I spent an embarrassing amount of time googling a doll that probably doesn't even exist.   Bite me, Kelly Craig.

Oh!  And part of my routine during this time of me being home alone is to read.  So I'm reading "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris.  Very funny writer.   

OK.  I know this blog is a snoozer.  Sorry.  But you're just reading it.  Imagine living it.

Now I'm gonna go sweep up buckets of dog hair and pour a little Pine Sol in the sink.

The End.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ay caramba.

We went from this ...

to this today in dos seconds ...
For about an hour we were alone on the beach enjoying the solitude, peace and serenity.

Then all of a sudden we were front and center in an Old El Paso taco shell commercial.  This picture only shows about 9 1/4  people (belly on the left and 3/4 of a guy on the right, but there were over 35 people (lost count) who showed up out of nowhere, all at once.  And the guy throwing the girl in the lake threw every single other person in too.  The kids had mud fights and after Robin got hit for the third time, it was time for us to say adios. 

And now I can't get "La Bamba" outta my head.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Getting some stuff done. And made a new BFF to boot!

There is one work day left before Robin starts her job.  As a result, we spent the entire day doing things we'd been putting off.  Things like taking my computer (have been using hers since around December) in to see if it can be saved.   Waiting to hear back.

Also, I have not had a cell phone since around December too.  Well, I've had one, but didn't want to pay to have it turned on.  It's not that I didn't want to, but well, you know...not gonna cry poor mouth.  Robin insisted that I get it turned on.  We went today and I actually got an upgraded phone for free (after rebate).  We really hit it off with the sales girl.  She totally didn't want us to leave - said we made her day.  Told us all about her husband and dog and the three of us laughed a lot.  As we were leaving, Robin wrote down my blog info and told her she should read it.

We came home and I charged my old phone.  Once charged, we went back to the phone place to have her switch everything from the old phone to the new phone.  We walked in and there were dozens of people (3) laughing hysterically (snickering) at something on the computer.  They were reading my blog!!!

That was pretty cool.

Oh...and phone store girl?  Yes I remember your name, just trying to protect your identity.  We are sooooo gonna have to do lunch when Robin starts working across the street from you.  It'll be week after next.  We'll call you.  Say hi to Sam.

Tomorrow I have to get AAA (that's Triple A, not AA, thank you very little) out here to jump my car again.  This is the fourth time.  I tend to never drive it and the battery goes dead.  My mother gave me the best advice a mother could possibly give her daughter.  "You need to drive your car, even if it's just around the block.  And with nothing on."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Baby needs new shoes.....or in this case, pants.

As much as I meant every single word that I wrote earlier about Robin, I do often wonder how I got to this point in my life.

I just overheard her telling her mother that before they (Iris and Joe) come back on the 30th, she is going to ransack Joe's closet.  Robin and Joe are the exact same size.  This is not a lie, I swear to time in FL, they were about to leave our house after dinner and Robin mentioned to Joe that she liked his pants.  She went on to tell him to take them off and give them to her.  Which he did.  He drove from our house in Surfside to Hollywood.  Pantless.  On I-95.  About a half hour drive.  Pantless.

How lucky am I to have a partner who is going to steal clothes from her stepfather's closet?   Work clothes.  Stealing clothes to wear to a new excellent and exciting job from your 85 year old stepfather's closet.  Some gals, if they need a few things for a new job, may go to, I dunno, the LADIES' DEPT. OF A STORE. 

If she planned on going through her mother's closet, I wouldn't have anything to write about.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the fact that every time we visit my family, she steals at least one pair of underwear from each brother. 

It's funny.  I've been counting my blessings a lot lately and her wardrobe never came up.  Not once.  Didn't cross my mind.

HALLELUJAH!!!!! And thank you, God!!!!!

Most of you have heard by now, Robin landed an excellent job!  It is an executive position with Goodwill Industries in their "Project Re-entry" program.  She will basically go into prisons and teach criminals how to assimilate into society upon their release.  She'll be in charge of their case files and place them in jobs and housing.  I hope she doesn't bring home any stray murderers.

It is such a perfect position for her.  Not everybody could do this job and Goodwill knows what they have in her.  So much so, they are paying her 20% more than what was initially discussed.  Her legal background, her smartness, wise assness, ability to see through BS, quick wit, fast on her feet, compassion, sensitivity, ability to be a hard ass when necessary and so many other qualities are the exact tools that will be needed to teach hardcore criminals.  She is not easily intimidated.  She is also a very patient teacher.  She always comes across as real and down to earth.  She is comfortable when speaking with a judge and will be equally comfortable in dealing with future ex-cons.  I am looking forward to the stories!  I think this job will be very rewarding for her and very interesting.

We found out she got the job yesterday.  The day before yesterday, I had a tough day.  Was very stressed out about our job situation, money, and the fact that what I swore wouldn't happen, happened.  I have gained ten pounds since quitting Harris Teeter.  I am doing the treadmill almost daily, but I guess I am eating out of boredom.

So I woke up yesterday and before I got out of bed, I had a pep talk with myself.  We are addicted to the "Real Housewives  of _________" (any city - love them all).  Gretchen from O.C. has been nagging her boyfriend to lose weight.  She finally came out and said that she was tired of his whining about being fat, so quit eating the things that are making him fatter.  Hit me like a brick.  I made up my mind that certain things are out of my control, but losing weight is not one of them.  I know there's a great job out there for me and in the meantime, I will focus on myself. 

It's going to be very strange having Robin go to work five days a week.  We spend so much time together right now, 24/7.  I will definitely miss her.  But I will use the time to take better care of myself, work out more and cook healthy great meals. 

Hey!  By the time all is said and done, maybe I could be a "real housewife"!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday Morning Conversation

I call my mother every single morning.  It hasn't always been this way.  It started when I first moved to Miami and had a long commute to work.  I called her to kill time.  Now it is habit.  If she doesn't hear from me by 9:00, she calls me, frantically, "Is everything OK?"

Saturday is "Kay Day".  She and Nelson leave the house at 8:00 sharp to go garage saling.  All times are sharp with them.  They wake up at 5:55 sharp.  Ocassionally, she'll tell me she slept in.  Until 6:07.  Once I think they slept until 6:21.

I am an early riser too, but with not working, there's no need to set an alarm.  I am usually up around 7:00, give or take.  (I'm not a "sharp" person.)  (Shut up!)

On Saturdays, I call her at home if before 8:00 and on her cell if after 8:00.  Tried the house phone this morning at 7:40.  No answer.  Called the cell.

They answered on the bluetooth.  I hate that thing with a passion.  Asked why they were out so early.  Seabridge, the neighborhood near them, had three sales and they wanted to get there early.

Asked what she bought.  A pair of flip flops for seniors.  They have big letters R and L on them.  Great!  My mom could really use them!  Then she told me she got them for Robin for Christmas.  Even better.

Nelson had kidney stones a few years ago.  As a result, he drinks one gallon of water every day.  Sunday through Friday, my mom doesn't care.  But it infuriates her that he cannot wait until they get home on Saturdays to start with the water.  It obviously makes him have to go to the bathroom a lot and this interferes with her junking. 

So this morning, on the bluetooth, I hear the following:

Nelson:  "I have to go to the bathroom, Kay."

Kay:  "Ah jeez.   Why didn't you tell me?"

Nelson:  "I believe I just did."

Kay:  "Well, you should have told me before we passed the place.  Now I have to turn around and it's very dangerous on A1A."

Nelson:  "I'm sorry Kay, but I can't help it."

Kay:  "I know, I know.  If I'd ever had kidney stones, blah blah blah."

So they pulled into some state park off A1A.  There was sign that you have to pay $5 to get in.

Kay:  "You have to pay to pee, Nelson."

And I chimed in, "Just pee in the bushes."

Nelson:  "I wouldn't pay $5 to take a crap."


He got out of the car and I asked my mom if he was peeing in the bushes.  No, he was walking toward and through the gate.

The whole time he was gone, she complained about his having to go to the bathroom so much and how it really "burns me up".

Then they were off again.  They told me how Kyle and his girlfriend and Jason and his girlfriend were first going to a T ball game for Carson (Kyle's son) and then a soccer game game for Kali (Kyle's daughter).   I smiled inside realizing what a smart move it was coming here to NC, rather than where my family is.

I asked if they were going to either game.  Nelson has had many bouts with skin cancer and should not be in the sun.  My mom just had some removed around her ankle. (I do have pictures.  She was kind enough to email me her  cancer pictures, with a nice note attached telling me what I have to look forward to and it will likely be on my face.)  So between Nelson not being able to be in the sun and my mom's recently removed area that is still icky, they decided to skip the grandchildren's events.  Good call, in my opinion.

I tried to hang up a few times.  That is often easier said than done.  "Can I go now?"  "MAY you go now?"  "Yes, I may go now." Which in itself led to another conversation.    The only sure way to hang up quickly is when she spots a sale.  I was playing online while talking to them and saw where today you can buy one/get one free subs at "Subway".  I was right in the middle of telling them that when I got a, "Kim?  I gotta go.  I love.  Bye."

Now I'm sitting here wondering what other Christmas finds she found this morning. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

And the celebration continues!!!

Just woke up from a nap to find Robin drinking a pina colada and talking with Iris as to the benefits of signing up for AARP.

Annual pass to Lake Powhatan - $30.00
Two new beach chairs - $60.00
Robin signing up for AARP - well, you know...

I think she's tipsy.  She's now telling Iris how fantastic the chicken patties are that we got from "Sam's" and how she can't wait until they get here and that we'll take them to "Sam's" for cheaper gas.  

I just asked her, "Are you tipsy?".  Gave me a big thumbs up and a wide smile.

On her birthday, she drank two mudslides.  Other than that, I have never seen her even drink a beer.  Once in a while, maybe an ounce of the Jewish wine that tastes like grapejuice.  Asked her where the pina colada stuff is and where she got it.  She went out earlier to buy a book and swung by ABC.  Just looked at the bottle.  It's a mix that she mixed with Diet Dr. Pepper.  Mmmm.

Oh, was just informed that it's her second drink.  I started typing (on the laptop, on the couch) to write this and she slapped my leg, telling me to listen to her. 

An abusive drunk.   Great.

Now she insists on doing the bills and can't recall if she has Progressive or GEICO.  Insisted she has GEICO.  She insisted it's the one with that Flo girl.

Now she's singing a song she made up to the Polish words, "coo coo ni munjo".  The words mean, "what's it like to be crazy?", and Joe says them to Iris all the time. 

Oy to the vey. 

"Oh, I do have GEICO."

And yes, it just dawned on me...I'm the one napping in the afternoon, and she's the one drinking pina coladas? Who is the AARP-ee?

In my own defense, I went to bed late (for me) and had to get up early for an interview. I sound like a broken record, but I really want this job. More on that if it actually comes to fruition.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I've had a great birthday!

Between all the Facebook comments, emails, cards, phonecalls and Robin's great planning, I can say without a doubt, I am one lucky girl!!

The day started with a trip to Wally World.  We got new beach chairs, a new cooler, things to go in the cooler and suntan oil.  0% SPF ~ the only way I roll.  We're ready for the beach!!

Arrived at "our" beach at around 11:30.  This place is open 04/01 through 10/31.  It's $5.00 per car per trip or $30.00 for a season pass.  Since we've been there three times this week, we opted to buy the pass today.

It was a beautiful, albeit slightly chilly, day.  I got a ton of sun.  Robin didn't because she was "freezing" and didn't reveal any skin.  Got a big kick out of the goose trying to steal her Funions!

We got home and I took Bodi for a walk.  Robin came chasing after me, telling me to come inside.  She'd retrieved our voicemail messages.  Long story short - I have a job interview at an eye care place tomorrow at 9:00.  Part of me really wants to work for a vet, but that would be very sad on occasion and I would wind up bringing animals home.  A doctor's office would be good, but, ew, GERMS.  An eye doctor?  How bad could that be?  I'm definitely excited about it!  Plus, I am blind as a bat and maybe could work a deal.  "Must be neat, kind and professional" - I can so fake it til I make it.

Checked my email and mail.  Got two poems that I have to share.  The sender of one must remain anonymous and the other is from Iris and Joe, who, BTW, come back on April 30th.

From I and J:

Oh vey, what to get Kim for her special day?
A years supply of gelfilte fish?
A new pink casserole dish?
Some big fluffy matzo balls for her to eat?
A truck load of halavah cause she's so sweet?
That would be neat!
Forty-six pounds of bagels and lox?
So we tried to think outside the box.
Hope you enjoy the gelt ($$$) whatever you do.
And always remember, we think the world of you.

(You're a good Jew!)

From Anonymous (this person has Ipad envy BAD):

You've reached the age of 46,
And now you're living in the sticks.
A tiny town that ends in "ville",
A house that sits atop a hill.

Whoever thought you'd see Lake Lure?
Or Pisgah Forest, clean and pure,
So 46 is not so bad,
Just hold on tight to your iPad!

Enjoy your day and have some fun,
Basking in the lakeside sun,
Watching creatures procreate,
Then Smoky Bones upon your plate!

Thanks to all of you who made this day so great for me!!  The perfect ending to a perfect day would be to say Buh Bye to Jacob on "American Idol".

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New Favorite Place!

We went to Asheville again today for Robin's second interview.  She got the job, but it's not official.  Until it is official, she won't relax.  If Robin ain't relaxed, ain't nobody relaxed.

I waited in the car for her and played around with her GPS.  I had never really even touched it before and it was a good way to entertain myself while I waited.

She had mentioned something about craving Bar-B-Q after the interview and I stumbled upon "12 Bones Smokehouse".  Not knowing very much about Asheville, I had no idea where the place was.  All I knew was that it was 3.3 miles from where we were. 

She got in the car, and I asked how it had gone.  She began talking, second guessing everything and basically said she she's not sure, but she thinks she got it. 

She will stress over this entire situation until she is actually standing in front of a room full of murderers before it finally sinks in.  "I got the job!"

I started driving and we were in parts of Asheville that we'd never been in.  All of Asheville has a very cool, very Greenwich Village feel about it.  We love Asheville!!  The restaurant is in the "River Arts District".  Like much of the city, it had a hippy and seedy vibe.  The restaurant was absolutely nothing to look at.  It's a chilly, gray and rainy day here.  We pulled up to the side of the building, talking about whether or not we should leave.  We got out and by the time we reached the front, we knew we were right in staying.  The line was maybe 15-20 people long!  On a Tuesday afternoon, in the rain.

BAR-B-Q is not my favorite food, but this was out of this world!  My favorite was the smoked potato salad.

Another thing that stands out about Asheville is that everyone looks like they just stepped out of an "L.L.Bean" catalogue.  People are always very outdoorsy looking.  There are supposedly a lot of gay women here.  Not sure of the percentage, but they all look it.  I know that's not very PC, but it happens to be true. 

Robin's style of dressing is more blendable than mine.  I stick out like a sore thumb sometimes, especially today.  Everyone was dressed in gray and brown and black.  They all looked like they'd just gotten done fly fishing.  Not me.  I had on a white tee shirt with pastel flip flops on the top.  At least I didn't get any Bar-B-Q sauce on it.   

Monday, April 11, 2011

Second Fiddle

We're almost positive that Robin landed a dream job today, but she refuses to let me blog about it until it's a done deal, which should be tomorrow.  I hear her clicking away over there.  Probably writing about it on Facebook.  It's OK to FB about it, but I can't blog about it?  Makes perfect sense - NOT.

Anywho.  We both applied for the same job yesterday.  It'd been listed on craigslist.  We were sitting on the beach and she received a phonecall from the employer (doctor's office).  Set up an interview for today at 2:30.   I kept calling the house phone to check messages to see if he'd called me.  Nothing.  Maybe the calls weren't going through.  Cell phones are tricky around here.  Got home to check messages.  Nada.

So after this morning's wonderful interview, she decided to cancel the afternoon interview.    She called the doctor's office, told them she'd gotten a job this morning, but could recommend someone equally as qualified for the position they were looking to fill.  They told her to have me resend my resume.

That was over two hours ago.

I call myself second fiddle.  That's not accurate.  I'd be second fiddle if they were to call me back and ask for an interview.  I'm more like 22nd fiddle.  If that.

BTW - I was gonna call this "sloppy seconds".  I googled sloppy seconds for a picture and saw all kinds of porn.  Then I read what it actually means.  I had no idea!  Asked Robin if she knew what the term means.  She knew exactly what it means.  Almost word for word the same as the urban dictionary. 


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Is it mating season in North Cackalacki or what?

These are Robin's pictures.  She also took one of two salamanders doing it, but it didn't turn out well.  The photo, that is.  I saw the both salamanders smoking cigarettes after, so I'm assuming it turned out well for them. 

We went to our new beach again today.  We'd gone on Friday and barely anyone else was there.  Today, being Sunday, it was a little more crowded.  Not too bad though.  A lot of families.  A few inbreds.  A girl who looked so hard that I immediately formed a prejudice thought in my head.  She had a terrible scar from her knee down across her foot.  My first thought was car accident as a result of a DUI.  I scolded myself (in my head - it's not like I shook my finger at myself) for making such an opinion and the next thing I knew, she was on her cell phone telling someone (very loudly) that she can't wait to get off effing probation so she could effing drink already.  Eff it.

My favorite couple of the day was so exactly a Match.Com commercial, I looked around for the camera crew.  He was about 60, khaki shorts and  polo shirt tucked in, and some type of loafer with no socks.  He was Kenny Rogers-esque, and I guess he was OK, until I noticed the shorts were elastic waist.  He was about a seven.  Now, if he has money, don't hold me to that seven.  She was slightly worse.  Six point seven five.  Probably in her mid 50's.  Dirty blonde bob.  Looked OK.  But she had on black capris and a red and black floral blousey type thing.  In Pisgah, you're there to hike, bike, camp, or go to the beach.  Whatever the case, there's no excuse for wearing capris and a blouse.  She was a fish out of water.  Couldn't see her shoes, but I know they had to be black sandals.  Probably with an one inch heel.  I'm sure she recently had a pedicure, too.  I could tell.  I'm guessing "O.P.I. Red".

I told Robin about the couple and read to her what I imagined their personals said.  "I love to hike.  I love the outdoors.  I love picnics with good wine and even better conversation."  In her usual fashion, Robin wasn't paying attention to me and was, what appeared to me, watching for something else to mate so she could take pictures.   I kept telling her to pay attention, cuz they were sitting right over there, but again ... nothing. 

You can tell when people are on their first date.  It was so cliche.  They actaully didn't sit on the beach.  They chose a shady area in the grass  on a hill behind the beach.  I couldn't stop watching them.  There was the picnic blanket, the picnic basket, a bottle of wine, two wine glasses, grapes, and what appeared to be cheese.  He did all the work - flattened out the blanket, got out the wine glasses and the wine.  Then he appeared a little panic strickened.  He looked through eveything twice, patted down his pockets, scratched his head and said something to her like what I'm sure was, "You're not gonna believe this.  I forgot a corkscrew."  You can tell it was a first date, or a very early on date, because rather than watching her accuse him of being an idiot or telling him to figure it out, I saw a wave of the hand and a 'that's OK' look.

The man needed his wine.  I watched him approach several families asking for a corkscew.  I think the family next to us had a jack knife or something.  Whatever it was, it worked.  The man was very grateful.

I watched them for about an hour.  He talked.  She laughed.  She touched his arm.  He poured more wine.  She ate grapes.  He was uncomfortable seated on the ground.  She tossed her hair.  Watching their body language, things appeared to be going well.  I just wish that I could have eavesdropped.  Instead, I had to listen to the man next to us to Abby how it wasn't nice to put rocks in Daddy's sandwich. 

We had to leave before they kissed.  I hope it was a match.  They did seem nice.

God, I hope I never have to date again.  Robin is sitting on the couch right now in her pink PJ bottoms with squirrels on them and some skull and cross thermal shirt.  She's playing her DS and complaining about what I'm making for dinner.  Since I never wanna be the lady in capris sitting in Pisgah Forest on a first date,  Robin is looking goooood.   

Friday, April 8, 2011

It's been a banner week!

First bagels, then a beach!!!

Some of you are Facebook friends and know that I finally made it to Bruegger's yesterday.  (I'd been spelling it wrong.  My mom's maiden name is spelled with an e before u.  Sorry.)  Very fine bagels.  Not quite up to Miami Beach standards, but a solid nine outta ten.  Bought 13 of them and not one shall go to waste.  Other than my waist.

And today we stumbled upon Pawhatan Beach.  So far, we have only found Lake Lure as a beach we'd frequent.  "We'd frequent"!!!  Like we have options.  Let me rephrase...Lake Lure has been the only beach we'd be able to frequent.  Trouble is: a) they are only open from Memorial Day until Labor Day, and 2)  they charge $8 person.  Pawhatan is open from the beginning of April until the end of October and the fee is $5 per car.  Plus it's closer.   The picture doesn't do it justice. 

In the job sitch...Robin is about to have two very very good jobs offer her a position.  The one from yesterday is very interesting and promising.  But when we were at my mom's two weeks ago, she had been going back and forth with a big company and since then has heard nothing.  Until today.  This company called at 9:00 this morning and told her that out of 89 applicants, her resume shined brighter than them all.  She has an interview Monday at 8:30. 

As far as I'm concerned, I bit the bullet the other day and responded to an insurance job.  I didn't let the email address humberto@hotmail dissuade me.  I applied, told him how great I am, and waited.  Almost immediately, I received a response from Humberto advising that that position had been filled, however he had another position available.  That of a mystery shopper.  Intrigued, I advised Humberto that I was interested.  Within 15 minutes, he advised me that I was hired.  Yay me.   My first task was to go to the closest Western Union (happens to be Harris Teeter) and my job was to basically score the person handling  the money transfer and their customer service skills.

How lucky am I?  I was hired to transfer MY money to Humberto's account and judge Delores while doing so.

Gotta run for now...there's a Nigerian prince who has some of my money in an account overseas.  He needs my immediate attention. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

If we have to be unemployed...

Being unemployed in the springtime in Western NC isn't awful. Every day new flowers pop up. Literally. It's not like I'm bragging because we have nothing to do with it. The previous owners of this house must have spent A LOT of time planting. We don't know what to expect and each day it's something new. The Rose of Sharon bushes, of which we have maybe 30 (just asked Robin how many she thinks we have - she said 12 - she has no idea what I'm talking about - probably thinks I asked how many dogs we have), have little green sprouts on them. Cannot wait til they're in full bloom.

And the temperature. The temperature is to die for. TO DIE FOR!!! Around 70 right now and it will cool down into the upper 40's tonight. Love it!

Are we stressed out about not working? Of course we are. But we are both doing everything we can think of to find employment. In the meantime, we wait. In the backyard. With the heathens. In the bright sunshine. With the 70ish temperatures.

Last week, Robin signed up with a temporary agency. Has had one interview with a local big company and goes back for a second interview tomorrow. We decided I should sign up with the temp place too. Robin, being a very fast typist, completed the online application for me. I had to take four tests, three of which I was OK with. To pass typing, you had to type at least 40 words per minute. I typed 40 words. Exactly 40 words. The other two tests were ah-ight. I used to consider myself a computer person, but I now know that I so am not. I thought I knew Microsoft Office. I can figure stuff out, but I don't know it know it. Then there was Excel. I know nothing about Excel. So Robin came over to "help me". She basically pushed me out of the way and took over. Took the test for me and got 100%. Great. For the past two days I have been in fear of landing a job and them plopping me down somewhere and giving me assignments that I wouldn't know where to begin. Robin assured me it'd be OK.

I thought about not going to the appointment, but then I googled Breugger's and found out that there was one down the street from the agency. I am freaking dying for a good bagel. A good, old fashioned, authentic, dense, heavy as a brick, as big as my head, Jewish bagel. Whined about this on Facebook recently and was informed that Breugger's has good ones.

So I went to the temp agency today.

Robin, who completed my application, told them I'd be willing to drive 50 miles for a job. Excuse me? Uh? No. First of all, does she have any idea how much gas costs? And B) I have a gas guzzling 10 year old, almost 100,000 miles on it SUV. (I love you, Car). (Damage control). I'd be more comfortable staying a little closer to home. Like Harris Teeter. It was (still is actually) less than one mile away.

While there, I figured I would make the most out of the time I had with the temp lady. Girl. She was roughly 15 years old. Told her my passion is writing...I love animals...I'm very good with people (shut up - if I'm being paid for it, I'm very good with people)...I worked in customer service with Kodak...I was a paralegal...I'm very familiar with medical terminology...I worked in the insurance industry for 15 years...I'd love to try the other side and work in Risk Management...blah blah blah.

She was taking notes the whole time, nodding her head, looking like she was full of thought.

I began to get excited! What if she finds me the perfect job? She mentioned brain storming and thinking outside the box.

When I finished talking about myself, she sat there for a second, tapping her pen. "Lemme think. Lemme think".

OMG! This was not a colossal waste of time afterall. This little Katy girl is gonna find me a perfect job!!!

"Are you familiar with Sosawatchee?" Or something like that.


"Well, it's about 25 miles west of Asheville" (translated = 50 miles from home)"and they have a missile manufacturer there. Maybe I can find you something there."

Greaaaaaaaat. We exchanged pleasantries and I headed for Bruegger's, the whole time thinking how I wasted my morning to be told that maybe, if I'm lucky, I can work in a missile plant 50 miles away.

At least there was Breugger's.

Or was there?

Picked out six bagels and went to pay. Robin had taken my debit card (AGAIN) and I had no cash.

What a @#$%^%$ waste of a morning afterall.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

You cook, I clean...DEAL!

It's a fair rule, right?

Yes, until someone decides to NOT clean as she goes.

Wonder who that could be?

Last night, in honor of National Cordon Bleu Day, I made HOMEMADE Chicken Cordon Bleu, Stove Top Stuffing (shut up - we LOVE that "stuff" (get it? stuff? and it was 77 cents a box at CVS last week) and broccoli. When all was said and done, Robin had to put plates in the dish washer.

Tonight, she made chicken fajitas. Well, she called them burritos. I googled. There's a difference. They were fajitas. She had to use a pan for the chicken, a pan for the peppers and onions, and a pan for refried beans. Then she had to spoon the sour cream into a bowl. Same with cheese. IT'S JUST US! Then she had to heat up the tortillas in a pan.

We finished eating an hour ago. Guess who just got done cleaning up?

My Latest Obsession...

Checking my dogs for ticks.

Up until yesterday, the weather has been outstanding here and we've spent a lot of time outside with the dogs. Last week while rubbing Brady's belly, I found a little bump. I wasn't sure what it was and called for Robin. Sure enough. It was a tick.

I am not a squeamish person. I take it back. I am squeamish when it comes to certain things. Especially smells. A few years ago, Robin broke her arm (imagine that) while in a meeting and I had to meet her at the ER. The smell of a hospital immediately makes me feel sick. I found her in her room, then excused myself while I went and threw up. When I came back, I must have looked awful because when the doctor finally came in to check on her arm, he immediately assumed I was the patient.

But bugs, including ticks, do not freak me out. I have a habit of playing with my hair while watching TV. Many many years ago, after a weekend of camping, I was home on Sunday night, watching TV and playing with my hair. I felt a bump on my scalp and sure enough, it was a tick. We got it off and I lived.

I do, however, have other experience with ticks. When I first moved to Miami, we had a tick infestation. It's something I seriously do not want to live through again. They started, I guess, in a wet wood pile outside the house we were renting. Before we knew, it, they were literally climbing our walls!!!

So after finding the tick on Brady the other day, I became a little paranoid.

We had an awful thunderstorm last night. Normally the dogs don't sleep with us, but they were scared, so we divided them up. Buddy, Baxter and I slept in the guest room.

I woke up this morning to the two snoring dogs. I sleepily began petting them. My eyes bounced open when I felt a bump on Baxter. I pulled whatever it was off him and held in my PJ top and ran to the kitchen to examine it. Couldn't find it, so I must have dropped it. That, or it's now in my hair. Ran back to the guest room and saw all kinds of ticks! I began to panic! I frantically began trying to pick them up. The more I picked at them, the less success I had. Damn these bugs. Damn them to hell.

Then dawned on me. I was picking at the brown polka dots on my pink quilt. Oops.

Guess I'll never really know what it was I picked off Baxter. Poor little fella. At least he still has both ears.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hawaiian Tropic! This stuff works!!!!

You'd think that with both of us being unemployed, the weekends wouldn't seem so special. Wrong.

Even when I was working at Harris Teeter and had to go in on Saturday and/or Sunday, the weekends always were, well, the weekends. Something about those two "S" days.

We are so on a budget and things are stressful in the financial arena right now, but at least we are getting call backs and have some interviews this upcoming week. May have to take jobs as temps, but so be it. We both are maintaining positive attitudes. Something really good is right around the corner for both of us.

Yesterday morning while I was on the treadmill, a friend called and asked us to go spend the day with her and her husband. We drove to a few nearby towns here in the mountains. Autumn gets a lot of hype around here, but spring is awesome too. Things are sprouting up all over the place. Color is abundant and everything just smells fresh.

Today was family day. Family day after the treadmill, chores and errands. I put together a very well and thoughtfully planned out grocery list and sent Robin to Harris Teeter. We are not currently loyal to any one grocery store because time allows us to shop for deals. HT had my favorite one, get TWO chicken breasts. Also had dog food on sale and I had matching coupons. Normally, I don't trust Robin to go to the grocery store alone. She tends to impulse buy and doesn't always get what I've written down. So after a quick grocery list tutorial, I sent her on her way. Don't worry. She had strict instructions for me too. Something like, "Your ass better be on that treadmill when I get home and not Facebook".

I did the treadmill (Day IV in a row, thank you) and she came home. I was so proud of her! Got everything on the list, nothing more, nothing less. She spent $56 and saved $77. Good job!

We then had a picnic in the back yard and played with the heathens for about four hours. OK, sure the sun was out and my face automatically turns up to it like a sunflower, but it was a fun day outside. Every time I felt on the brink of being warm to getting hot, a slight breeze came over me. Perfection.

Brady got a lot of ball time in and he had to make a big boy decision at one point. Our very nice neighbor to the right surfaced at around 2:00 at the fence. Heard the dogs go wild and turned to see Brady trying to decide how he was gonna eat that biscuit with a ball in his mouth. No surprise, he managed.

Our house is up off the road on a hill. The backyard is up on yet another hill. I don't have a lounge chair yet and in order to get sun on my back, I have to lie on the ground. Wait! Don't feel sorry for me! It's very very comfortable. I wait until the angle of the sun is just right and lie on the hill and it's great! Well, it was great until Brady learned a new way to entertain himself. He takes his ball, plops it on my butt, it rolls down the back of me onto the grass, down the hill and he retrieves it. Repeat. For 30 minutes.

Then there's Buddy. Every time I get out of my chair, he snatches it. Same with my beach towel. He's always been a sun worshipper. Wonder who he takes after?

Baxter spent much of the day meditating. Nothing new there.

Bodi and Maxx have to take turns being outside with us. Maxx pretty much sits in the back corner waiting for treats. Bodi has to be on a chain or she'll jump the fence. She stuck pretty close to me all day. She also enjoyed a few rolls in whatever it was she found to roll in.

Having chili dogs for dinner and plan on watching some tivo'd TV. And laundry. Doing laundry, not watching laundry. (Although, you do kinda keep an eye on it when you're doing laundry, so does that constitute watching it too? Dunno.)

Crazy dogs and chili dogs. Ahhhh...the simple life.

Oh, and guess who just jumped in my chair?