Friday, April 8, 2011

It's been a banner week!

First bagels, then a beach!!!

Some of you are Facebook friends and know that I finally made it to Bruegger's yesterday.  (I'd been spelling it wrong.  My mom's maiden name is spelled with an e before u.  Sorry.)  Very fine bagels.  Not quite up to Miami Beach standards, but a solid nine outta ten.  Bought 13 of them and not one shall go to waste.  Other than my waist.

And today we stumbled upon Pawhatan Beach.  So far, we have only found Lake Lure as a beach we'd frequent.  "We'd frequent"!!!  Like we have options.  Let me rephrase...Lake Lure has been the only beach we'd be able to frequent.  Trouble is: a) they are only open from Memorial Day until Labor Day, and 2)  they charge $8 person.  Pawhatan is open from the beginning of April until the end of October and the fee is $5 per car.  Plus it's closer.   The picture doesn't do it justice. 

In the job sitch...Robin is about to have two very very good jobs offer her a position.  The one from yesterday is very interesting and promising.  But when we were at my mom's two weeks ago, she had been going back and forth with a big company and since then has heard nothing.  Until today.  This company called at 9:00 this morning and told her that out of 89 applicants, her resume shined brighter than them all.  She has an interview Monday at 8:30. 

As far as I'm concerned, I bit the bullet the other day and responded to an insurance job.  I didn't let the email address humberto@hotmail dissuade me.  I applied, told him how great I am, and waited.  Almost immediately, I received a response from Humberto advising that that position had been filled, however he had another position available.  That of a mystery shopper.  Intrigued, I advised Humberto that I was interested.  Within 15 minutes, he advised me that I was hired.  Yay me.   My first task was to go to the closest Western Union (happens to be Harris Teeter) and my job was to basically score the person handling  the money transfer and their customer service skills.

How lucky am I?  I was hired to transfer MY money to Humberto's account and judge Delores while doing so.

Gotta run for now...there's a Nigerian prince who has some of my money in an account overseas.  He needs my immediate attention. 

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