Monday, April 11, 2011

Second Fiddle

We're almost positive that Robin landed a dream job today, but she refuses to let me blog about it until it's a done deal, which should be tomorrow.  I hear her clicking away over there.  Probably writing about it on Facebook.  It's OK to FB about it, but I can't blog about it?  Makes perfect sense - NOT.

Anywho.  We both applied for the same job yesterday.  It'd been listed on craigslist.  We were sitting on the beach and she received a phonecall from the employer (doctor's office).  Set up an interview for today at 2:30.   I kept calling the house phone to check messages to see if he'd called me.  Nothing.  Maybe the calls weren't going through.  Cell phones are tricky around here.  Got home to check messages.  Nada.

So after this morning's wonderful interview, she decided to cancel the afternoon interview.    She called the doctor's office, told them she'd gotten a job this morning, but could recommend someone equally as qualified for the position they were looking to fill.  They told her to have me resend my resume.

That was over two hours ago.

I call myself second fiddle.  That's not accurate.  I'd be second fiddle if they were to call me back and ask for an interview.  I'm more like 22nd fiddle.  If that.

BTW - I was gonna call this "sloppy seconds".  I googled sloppy seconds for a picture and saw all kinds of porn.  Then I read what it actually means.  I had no idea!  Asked Robin if she knew what the term means.  She knew exactly what it means.  Almost word for word the same as the urban dictionary. 


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