But it's only for today. Got my computer back from the computer hospital. It had been hit with a terrible virus and I thought I'd lost everything, including the computer. After five days in the infirmary, I received a call today saying to come get it and everything's fine. "Whew" does not even begin to describe...
So tomorrow, I am going to go through all the things I've written and send off some query letters. Also am going to enter another writing contest. Think I will write something new for it. A kind of from riches to rags but it's all good story.
Robin started her new job today. Have heard from her a couple times and so far, so good. Her boss took her to lunch, so she wasn't the cafeteria loser afterall.
My day started with the treadmill, then the AAA guy came. Thank God it wasn't the one who has always come in the past. I said something to the guy about them being out there before. He informed me that the other guy is his brother and he knew how often they've been here. Oh well. Not driving my car is obviously a thing of the past now that Robin's working. I told him that and received a dismissive Robin-esque sarcastic "uh huh". Bite me, JimBob.
I've potchkied around the house some. Was planning on doing heavy duty housework before Ivis and Joe arrive on Saturday. Not today. A 'friend' dropped by early and unexpected. Last month, a week late. This month, four days early. Robin, who is four years older than me, loves to tease me about menopause. I've denied and denied, but she might be right. Bite me, Robin.
Would love to have a great dinner cooking when she gets home, but we're having Easter leftovers. Robin, super Jew - NOT, loves her ham.
I've called my mother about a dozen or two times today. Applied for a bunch of who knows if they're for real jobs on craigslist. Half the jobs on there are BS.
I did kill some time on a wild goose chase. My TV news anchor friend who I stalked in Miami until she became my friend posted something on Facebook. She asked if anyone could remember the name of the doll from the mid-60's who had a soft (not plastic) face and a yellow night gown. She couldn't remember the name and it's driving her crazy. Yeah, well now it's driving me crazy too. And my mother. I spent an embarrassing amount of time googling a doll that probably doesn't even exist. Bite me, Kelly Craig.
Oh! And part of my routine during this time of me being home alone is to read. So I'm reading "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris. Very funny writer.
OK. I know this blog is a snoozer. Sorry. But you're just reading it. Imagine living it.
Now I'm gonna go sweep up buckets of dog hair and pour a little Pine Sol in the sink.
The End.
I didn't think it was a snoozer!
Thank you, Anonymous!!
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