Friday, December 3, 2010

And "The Most Interesting Customer of the Day" Award goes to.....

The little old lady who bought a thing of "KY Jelly", a big bag of BIG zucchinis and some "Tucks".

I promise you ~~~ I am not kidding. 

This may be a picture of her later in the day.  A cigarette probably wasn't enough.

Again.  Not kidding.

1 comment:

cybermatic said...

Again with the old people bashing??

Anyway, you're so wrong.

With age comes wisdom.

Did she buy any zucchini-sized condoms??


She's too old and smart to risk exposure to vegetally-transmitted diseases.

Oh...unless she had condoms at home.

I'm calling Delores to ask for a permanent 25% discount on zucchini for seniors. And not just on Thursdays.