Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tee hee.

Over the weekend, (Saturday to be precise, because, well, we all know that Iris and Joe were stark raving maniacs on Sunday) Iris and Joe "stopped by". Unannounced. No phone call. No warning. This had never happened before, so I didn't make a thing out of it. They'd been at their favorite thrift store and saw something that they thought we would like and wanted us to go look at it.

We went and it had been sold.

Meanwhile, I saw two dining room chairs that I liked. Sure they needed a little TLC, but I could make them look nice. Showed Robin - she liked them too. Iris looked at them and literally turned her nose up and make a face. "I don't like them. Let's go." And away she went.

My family is coming for their first visit in a few weeks. Iris and Joe leave for Florida right before Thanksgiving. While my family is here, we decided that it would be nice to have a big early Thanksgiving dinner with both families. Last night our British friend, Lisa, stopped by (yes, she called first - always does - thank you, Lisa) and we invited her and her daughter for the Thanksgiving dinner.

Two more people means two more chairs.

I happened to intentionally drive by the thrift store today. 50% off all furniture. My car turned in to the parking lot and before I knew it, I was paying Irma the Volunteer $5.00 for my two soon to be lovely chairs.

Part of me wants to leave them the way they are. And guess whose seats they will be at Thanksgiving?

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