Monday, October 25, 2010

My grocery store job is stressing me out...

And I haven't even started yet!

I've mentioned there are two and a half days of training.  Basically you watch a video and take tests.  You have to get a 90% to pass.  I've gotten mostly 100's, but I have failed a few too.  It's stressing me out!  Yesterday I had to retake two tests that I had previously failed and I found myself panicking a little bit.  I prayed that I'd pass.  Then I found myself thinking, "What the hell has become of my life?  I'm sitting alone in a little room of a grocery store, PRAYING to pass a test in order to get a job that pays 1/4 of what I made in Miami."

I want you to know, I am not stupid.  Here is one of the questions that I missed - "True or False - You must change your password every 30 days and it must be 2 - 6 characters". 

You do have to change the password every 30 days, but it needs to be 3 - 6 characters, so I put "false".  I thought it was a trick question.

The correct answer was "true".  But I had just read that the characters needed to be at least 3.  How do you argue with a computer?  Who ever heard of a two character password?  If it was a teacher, I'd have a chance. 

Another question I missed was something about store hours.

I feel like an idiot.  I'm afraid Delores thinks I'm a little retarded. 

So I have to go back today at 2:00 and retake the test I failed yesterday.  What if I don't pass it today?  Is my Harris Teeter career going to be just a series of tests?  "Come in tomorrow, Kim, and we'll try it again".

I am also having trouble remembering how to log on and off the register.  What the hell is wrong with me? 

Did I leave a bunch of brain cells behind in Miami with all the other stuff we couldn't fit on the U-haul?  Is it the mountain air?  Do all these hoodies I love wearing somehow squeeze my brain?

Seriously.  My heart is pounding right now in anticipation of having to retake this damn test.

My mother said some people aren't good test takers.  That's true, but I'm a good test taker!  Then I had to remind her that I got a scholarship for my high SAT scores 100 years ago. 

"Are you sure that wasn't Jason?" 

"No, MOM.  It was me.  Thanks."

I know I will do a good job once I finally get to work.  Yesterday I heard a customer complain at the Customer Service desk that she didn't appreciate having to bag her own groceries, that she spends over $200.00 in the store every week, blah blah blah.  She was absolutely right.  One of the biggest things they emphasize is that under no circumstances do the customers bag their own groceries.  That's right after "NEVER BE RUDE".    The girl behind the counter was like, "Oh well".    I would have handled the situation so much differently.  I thrive on dealing with rude people.  (Remember how I loved calling all the old condo people in Miami?)  I'm very good with them, unless they're at one of my garage sales trying to get a $10.00 item (that I probably paid $100.00 for) for a quarter.  I'm also not good with rude people if I'm the customer, but that's another story.

Back to this test.  I just had a thought.  We've all seen stores where they hire disabled and emotionally challenged people as baggers.  If I don't pass this test, if Delores can't see that I didn't take the short bus to school, she may place me in that position.   

Please, DEAR  GOD, let me pass this test today, so I can move on to more important things.  Like how to log on to the register.

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