Saturday, October 23, 2010


Woke up to an email from an agent.  She was "disappointed that my essays didn't draw her in more".   Bitch.  (oopsdidIsaythatoutloud?)

On a positive note, I have a couple boyfriends at work.  One's about 87 and one's about 97.  Had to show the 87 year where the pineapple preserves were and the 97 year kept telling me his phone number.  Four more hours of training left.  Two and a half days of training total.  Jeez.  Robin wasn't even told what to do in case of a stick up.  I haven't officially been on the register yet, but have already picked out two of the store's pain-in-the-tuckus customers.

Really enjoying this weather.  Cold at night and has been warming up to about 70ish.  Tonight we're going to a haunted corn maze.  Why, I'm not sure.  There are plenty of similarities between here and Upstate NY, but this corn maze thing is not something I remember from growing up.  Leaves changing - sure.  Last week's bonfire - absolutely.  Cider - oh yeah.  But paying money to walk around a corn field at night to have people grab your ankles?  Unless I blocked it from my memory, I don't think so.

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