Yesterday I was happy to announce that my car, my computer and my girl were all working.
Car still works and Robin
says she goes to work every day. Actually, I know she's working. Picked her up for lunch today and noticed her office is next door to a tanning salon. She called me a little while ago to inform me that she went to the salon to see how much they charge. Cheapest place in town! Hmmm...have a feeling I'll be visiting Robin quite a bit.
Notice I didn't say my computer is still working? I spent ALL DAY down here (basement) yesterday playing on my computer. At first my iTunes didn't work, but I figured it out. Splurged on two new songs for my ipod. Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" and Ronnie Dunn's "We All Bleed Red". I've listened to "Rolling in the Deep" 16 times and "We All Bleed Red" eight times. When I love a song, I never ever get sick of it.
Hey! If you combine the two songs,you get "Rolling in the Deep Red Blood". Kinda catchy, no? Lady Gaga? Call me. We'll do lunch.
I messed around with my photo gallery too. Have over 8000 pictures, 7995 of which are dogs. Trying to get them organized is not easy.
Then I tried to get into my documents. The things I've written for the past few years. The chapters for my book. The query letters and samples of writing. They are there, but I couldn't open them. Robin took a look when she got home. Apparently, I have no word processor. (I really don't know what I'm talking about here. Feel like a fish out of water.) She called the computer repair guy this morning for me. He said my hard drive is so badly damaged it wouldn't support a word processor, but for $140.00, I could buy Microsoft Word and see what happens.
This has totally bummed me out. I can't even write anything anywhere. Robin describes it as having a nice new shiny car with no engine. Oh well. Not the end of the world. I guess.
Mid morning (after we'd talked at 7:00). my mom called.
"Have you got a minute?"
"That's all I do have. Time."
"Well, I only have a minute. I have a pie in the oven and Marylee and Dave are due here shortly. We're going out for lunch and then coming back here for dessert. Taking them to Flagler Fish Company. We just love that place and it's been ages since we've gone there. Think I'll get the lobster roll. Can't go wrong with that."
"I think you just used your minute."
"We're gonna put money in your account so you can get a new computer."
(Felt a little bad for the sarcastic 'you just used your minute' comment.)
"Excuse me? What did you say?"
"Consider it an early Christmas present that I'll forget about so just consider it a gift. I gotta go. I love....". Click.
Once I picked my jaw up off the ground, (I shouldn't sound so shocked - they have helped us out a lot during the past several months. Same with Iris and Joe.) I called Robin to tell her I'd pick her up for lunch, but plans had changed. We were going computer shopping. Which we did. (Don't worry, she got fed.)
Went to a couple places and didn't see what I want. Which is a pink laptop.
Been researching all afternoon and I found what I want. The headache comes from trying to figure out if I can get away from having Microsoft Word or Office. That is included in the more expensive computers, but not all of them. They all seem to come with Windows 7, but is that enough for what I need? Called India, I mean Dell, and I think I learned that Windows 7 comes with a basic, unlicensed version of MS Word/Office, and that should be fine for what I need. Told the guy that I'm a writer (had to laugh at myself a little when those words came out of my mouth) and that I needed a program that allows me to write and save it.
Was proud of myself for handling a technical situation and was excited to call Robin to tell her that I don't need MS Word or Office. That Windows 7 has enough for me to write stuff. She then had to burst my bubble and ask, "Where you gonna store it?"
I don't friggen know. I just want a pink laptop, within budget, where I can write a bunch of crap.
I need to hear my songs again.
Idol's on tonight and I can't wait...Carole King Week.
BTW, thank you very very very very much Mom and Nelson! I love you!
And thank you, Robin, for planting the seed in my mom's head that I am a total mental patient without a viable computer. I love you!