Sunday, November 28, 2010

"These dogs are pig begging whores"

...a quote by R. A. Hellman.

But it happens to be very true.

The next door neighbor has given them dog biscuits through the fence from time to time since we moved here.  Very nice.

But now whenever I let them out, they run to the far back right corner of the fence and sit there and bark until the man comes outside with treats.  It's embarrassing.  If they were kids I could explain that you just don't do that.  Like when I was little and would go to Mrs. Blitz' house and ask what present she had for me.  She always gave me stuff, but my mother explained to me that I couldn't just expect things.  It's rude and it's wrong.

How do you explain to a wild pack of dogs to quit acting like crack hos?

Brady's the worst.  He jumps up and down and barks his little girl bark.  Baxter's bad too.  He barks and barks and then when the man offers him a treat, he sniffs it for a minute as if he thinks it may be poison.

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