Sunday, November 14, 2010


I think I'm starting to feel like myself again. I have the day off and by noon, I had gone grocery shopping, cleaned the house, done two loads of laundry, made homemade spaghetti sauce and cleaned a trunk I'd gotten at a flea market when my mom was here. It's super cute - red and black plaid. Since I started this job, I really haven't had energy for anything, so I think maybe I have turned the corner.

I think I may now go through the Sunday paper and clip coupons. It is amazing how much money can be saved with coupons. Especially when combining them with sales. Some of my customers have really inspired me. Speaking of work...there is something wrong with the farting bagger. It's not obvious and I can't figure it out. One of the ladies at work told me to be careful with him. Couldn't finish our conversation cuz of a stupid customer, and now my curiosity is heightened. The other day a lady was buying bunch of frozen food. She told me something about not being lazy, but she was about to have surgery and her husband doesn't cook. I guess she thought I was judging her. What the hell do I care? Anyway, Fartboy kept asking her what kind of surgery she was having. He asked her like six times. She just ignored him. Then some man was buying a "Maxim" magazine and Fartboy said, "Ahhhh....I know why you're buying this". Yesterday a lady was buying dog biscuits and he told her that she probably eats them and he started barking. This kid has no filter and makes me very nervous. Last night a lady was buying fresh clams and they smelled like, well, fresh clams. I felt Fartboy start to smell them and before I knew it he said, "What smells like"....Before he finished his sentence, I quickly interrupted and said, "What are you gonna make with these?". (Linguini with clam sauce.)

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