I woke up at around 3:00 this morning to an odd noise. At first, it seemed like it was the neighbor's sprinkler system. Or something. It was a short cracking noise that quickly disappeared. It then reappeared and disappeared, then more and more frequently. Then it got louder and didn't disappear. I sat up, fully awake, and saw A FLAME shooting from the extension cord that held the TV and my make up mirror. I screamed, "FIIIIRRRRRE!" and Robin woke up. I always always always go to bed with a huge glass of diet soda and I doused the flame with the ginger ale. It came back and by this time I'd filled the glass with water. Doused it again and the flame went away, but the crackling didn't. Not sure what to do, we kept saying to each other, "What do we do?" It's like we were standing around waiting for an explosion. Finally, I got a towel for Robin and she unplugged the cord. Never really having been involved in a situation like this, we weren't positive that she wouldn't be shocked - or worse.
OK. Maybe she's the hero. We've already discussed it. But I heard it first.
We have a bunch of animals and have to keep 2 kitties in the bedroom full time. They are happy kitties. No need to call PITA. Maxx, who Bodi wants to eat, spends a good deal of time in there, too. We are pretty sure that one of them had an accident on the extension cord that triggered the whole thing.
I am so thankful to God today. Other than sleeping, I am never in the bedroom. Not only were we home, but we were in that room and the noise woke me up. Being a pretty sound sleeper, that in itself is a miracle.
In all seriousness, it was kinda scarey. And it's extremely scarey to think what could have happened had we not been home, in that room, awake. I don't care about my stuff, just the animals.
Think I'll make some homemade dog treats today. And maybe a lil sumpin sumpin for the kitties, too.
First of all, the "fire" in our house was no bigger than the flame of a match. Second of all, it was I, Robin,that is the true hero in this saga - what did Kim do? Throw a glass of ginger ale on the flame which made it spark even worse. I, on other hand, risked life and limb to disconnect the power cord while Kim was running around like a chicken without its head screaming "FIRE". Now i ask you, who is the true hero here?
Fire is fire, Ass.
and i thought u were trying to punk me, see what happens when u cry wolf. good thing u didnt call me to call fire fighters i wouldnt have. lol im glad the dogs r oki
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