Due to ongoing, relentless, writhing in pain agony in my finger, today's blog will be short. This is it.
And yes. I am fully aware that I could be in the hospital like Elliot or in a crate like Maxx.
PS: Not to be left out, Robin wants you to know she has ovary pain. She doesn't even know what an ovary is. She thinks it's something you wash you face with.
Yes, the picture Kim posted is quite dramatic and i have to admit, I thought she was being a bit of a drama queen. Finally, to shut her up, i took her to the doctor - she went kicking and screaming. After seeing her regular doctor (who looked at her finger and said "that's just disgusting") we went to the orthopedic surgeon who ended up doing surgery - he said "I have never seen a finger so infected." So, I ate crow - was hard going down. I am sure she will milk this for all its worth
I have another comment - since her finger accident, Kim has been obsessed. She started to smell an odor coming from her finger. She was like Molly Shannon who would put her hands under her armpits and then smell them for hours. This was kim with her finger. I could tolerate that until she kept begging me, hour after, to smell her finger. I kindly explained that even our love has its limitations. She kept asking - i left the house.
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