Robin has decided to close her office and work from home. This is the best thing to do, and really, the only option. We'll have a lot more money in our pockets. I calculated the money that we save per month is the equivalent of three long weekends in NYC. My brain has an auto pilot section that converts money into time in NYC.
The bad news is: Kyle (my brother, in case you didn't know) has volunteered (after we asked) to come help us with the move. That's not the bad news. The bad news is - look at the guest room. I have to clean this today. It's all my stuff. Can't blame Robin for any of it. The picture doesn't do it justice. Betsy was here only two months ago and it was nice and clean and pretty. The mounds of clothes and shoes just seem to snowball.
Plus I have to do 2 reports for Ivette (my other boss), do the dreadmill, and go to Publix. So I need to get going. I just turned off the election results on turned on my Ipod. Can you guess the most played song on my Ipod? It's "Moon River" by Willie Nelson - swear to God.
Oh yeah - and my good friend, Alex, offered to help us move too. Thank you, Alex.
BTW - Alex is the owner of Herman, the pig in my before Weight Watchers picture. Alex informed me today that she sold Herman for $600.00 to somebody who was gonna kill him and eat him. Said times are tough and she needed the money.
Kim neglected to mention that the guess room has gotten so bad with all her useless crap, clothes she has not worn in years and various half eaten pieces of food that i have literally had to lock her in there - push furniture up against the door and not let her out until it was cleaned to my satisfaction. WHen i did that, i didnt see kim for a week.......
thanks for including me as voulenteering to help. and damm u cleaned that shit fast would of taken me 2 weeks, wanna come over and help me??
i was kidding ashole i am not going to sell herman.
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