So, we went to Robin's mother's house earlier to pick up the ingredients for the stuffing that Robin offered to make. No no no. Iris was going to make it and bought all the ingredients. She then told Robin to just go ahead and make it. Rather than buy all the ingredients all over again, Iris insisted that we drive up there to get them from her. It's normally a 30 minute trip, give or take, but with today's traffic, it took almost an hour to get there.
Iris offered Robin bread crumbs. Robin's response, "We've got some".
Iris offered Robin broth. Robin's response, "We've got some".
Iris offered Robin raisins. Kim's response, "Don't you dare". I hate raisins.
A few more things were offered and declined and the only thing we left with was the remainder of Craisin (dried cranberries) bag with about 8 Craisins in it. Somebody "got in to them a little".
We have always gone to Iris and Joe's for Thanksgiving. We go to my parents' for Christmas. The average age of the guests at Thanksgiving (and all the Jewish holidays) is around 106. There's the four of us, Robin's sister, her best friend and husband, her step brother and his significant other.
In the aforementioned list of people, there are three alcoholics (not including me, thank you very little), two pill poppers, a gay male couple whose age difference is 47, and Joe who continuously keeps a watchful eye on the floor in case someone drops a crumb. If, God forbid, someone does drop a crumb on the floor, Joe becomes a mental patient and shames the crumb dropper by announcing to the entire table that So and So dropped a crumb. Then he precedes to get up, get a broom and dustpan, and then cleans up the mess. The entire time Iris is yelling, "Joe. Relax. it's just a crumb. We'll get it later".
I did the math. 9 people are going.
So why were there 11 settings at the table? While Robin was yelling at Iris for eating all the Craisins, I rudely had to ask, "Who's going to be here tomorrow?"
In addition to all of the above, there was going to be an old family friend, a very nice lady who is also a Holocaust survivor.
And Shirley.
I don't know really who the hell Shirley is or how she fits in with this group. All I know is that I met her once at some type of dinner at Iris and Joe's. I always sit next to Joe (he makes me) and she was on the other side of me. Joe made a comment about how no one wil go hungry tonight, referring to the ton of food. Shirley leaned over me and said to Joe, "I don't think she's (me) ever gone hungry".
THEN, Robin had to squeeze by Shirley and gently touched her back in an excuse me style manner and Shirley began screaming, "My back! My back!"
So yeah, Shirley will be there tomorrow. Can't wait.
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