I don't know if anyone noticed the bottom of this page, but it's gives a daily tip of how to do a random act of kindness.
Today's tip was something about letting other drivers merge in front of you.
I have lived in Miami for 5 years now. I will never ever get used to the traffic. Actually, it's not even the traffic. It's more like the drivers that I can't stand. Granted - I grew up in a small town that didn't even have a stop light. But I have lived in various cities with ample traffic. Orlando traffic sucks for sure. Jacksonville has a heavy rush hour. But the drivers aren't mean.
Miami has been voted as the city with the most aggressive drivers in the country for a few years in a row now. I'm here to tell you it's true. Just this morning, Robin and I were driving to work and we merged in front of someone on I-95. She was driving and I was on the phone with my mother. The guy who she merged in front of honked his horn so loudly and long, my mom thought we were about to get hit by a train!
I am the only person in Miami with driving manners. Seriously. I let people merge in front of me. They never give me the thank you wave. If I ever had a chance to give the thank you wave, I would give it. I haven't had the chance to give the thank you wave since living in Miami.
Usually what happens when I let someone merge in front of me, I see the person in the car behind me throwing their hands up in anger. They inevitably catch up with me and give me the stare down. Or worse.
So, if you're ever in Miami and someone lets you merge in front of them, it'll be me. Be sure to wave hello. And thank you.
I feel the need to make some clarifications to what Kim wrote. You need to get a clear and truthful picture here - Kim has always believed she would die in a car accident. That being said, she drives like my dead grandmother - slow as molasses. No wonder she gets the often 4 letter word screamed at her and the finger. She is also the worst back seat driver you will ever meet. She screams in her high pitched wail at the slightest thing. I have almost been in many an accident due to her ranting and raving. Polite? There are many adjectives i would use to describe kim - sorry to say, polite has never been one of them.
I am one of the most polite friggen people you will ever meet.
Thanks and have a nice day!
il have to kinda agree with robin though you have never been in the car w me while im drving but i have seen you on the turnpike doing 50
Safety first, Ass.
One of my biggest pet peeves - people who don't allow the merge! WTH? I know you can see me over here trying to merge. When I near an on-ramp - I pull to the next lane. Courtesy. Must be a Northville tha'ng.
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