This is Joe, Robin and Iris. Robin is the one with the nose ring. Iris took hers out. Joe, who is a little man and well in to his 80's, had a total knee replacement last year. Suffice it to say, he was a handful. Iris wanted to run away from home because he was so difficult. He is currently having pain in that knee. Iris kept telling him he's fine and to be quiet. After about a week of his relentless moaning and groaning, Nurse Ratched decided to take him to the doctor so he could be told he's fine and to shut up.
Come to find out, last year the doctor replaced his little knee with a huge ginormous knee fit for a football player.
One would think that Iris, at this point, would be eating crow and making the necessary surgical arrangements for her beloved Joey, right?
Au contraire...Iris has informed Joe that he needs to live with his big watermelon knee and understand that under no circumstances whatsoever will he ever - EVER - undergo another surgical procedure. Never. Never ever.
lol nice picture you chose for that blog ass that bitch in the movie was crazy iris doesnt seem like that type of person
Okay, don't know if this is a repeat comment...had trouble signing up....anywho, Joe needs help....c'mon....love and concern go a long ways....and what is Iris getting by denying?
Savy site, denying many.
In defense of Iris (my mother) i have to say this --> Joe was a stark raving lunatic after his knee surgery. He was mean, grumpy and an overall pain in the ass - i can understand a few days of this, but really. I thought i was going to have to put my mother in a home after dealing with him. I say deal with the watermelon knee - it could be worse - imagine if he had gotten a penile implant and they put in the wrong size. Well, knowing my mother, she'd like that. I'll quit while I'm ahead.
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