Monday, May 9, 2011

My job interview went very well today.

Once I got there. 

The place is a pet resort out in the country.  Robin and I took a dry run out there on Friday so I'd be sure where to go.   We found the sign for it and I was confident I'd find my way back. 

Still, I left in plenty of time today, just in case.  And thank GOD I did.

I googled the facility and learned that a married couple owns and runs it and also lives on the premises.  So when I pulled up to it today, the fact that it was a house did not raise a red flag.  There was a front porch with rocking chairs on it and that looked kind of personal.  Drove around to the back and there were a few trucks parked there, a barn, a couple of sheds, and some other make shift looking buildings.  Something told me to knock on the door, rather than just walk in. No answer.  Went back to my car where I'd left my phone and called the place.  Told the lady I was there and asked how to get in.  She told me to park by the cars and walk around to the back. 

Good.  Noticed the time and I had a few minutes, so I wasn't late.  Walked to the barn.  It was empty.  Saw a trailer and figured maybe that was the office.  Got there.  Huge pad lock on the door.  I looked around and couldn't figure out where I was supposed to go.  I heard a bunch of dogs barking so I walked over toward them.  Some were fenced in, but one was loose, so I put my hand out and began petting him.  Luckily he was very sweet.  There were some horses in the background.  Hmm.  Never occurred to me that horses would hang out at a pet resort.  These North Cackalackies, I tell ya...

As I'm petting the dog and trying to figure out where to go, a lady called from afar. 

"Heyyyy...", she said very southernly and nicely.

"Hi!  I'm Kim", I said assuming I'd just hung up with her.

"Well, I'm Tina;  pleased to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

She was so nice.  I'm gonna love it here!

"And that's Beau.  He's getting over some heart worms and has been on medication for, oh, about three weeks now.  Got a little arthritis, but he's a good boy."

"He's very cute.  How many dogs are here?"

"We've got four."

Four dogs?  And they need to hire a receptionist, a groomer and trainer?  That's weird.

Then she said, "Can I help you, dear?"

"Oh, I'm sorry.  I'm here to see Shelly."

"Shelly?  Well, she's right up the road there.  See?  You can see her place from here.  Up there on the right."

I had been wandering around this lady's property, checking out her barn, playing with her dog, and almost broke into her house.

I apologized profusely, then we started cracking up.  She told me to tell Shelly that Tina says hi, and she wished me well on the interview.  She also told me that I looked "real nice".

I went on my way and thought that if this had happened in Miami, I probably would have been shot, or the cops would have been called at the very least.  Had I not had the interview, I have a feeling Tina would have asked me in for a glass of sweet tea.


Charlene said...

What an adventure!

I once went to call on a guy for advertising work and he came out without a shirt in jeans and invited me in where i had to walk through a bedroom with an unmade bed to his office. I got the work and he went on to be a very good client. Later he said if hew'd had a camera he would have taken a picutre of my face when he met me.

Unknown said...

That's priceless!

Unknown said...

OMG - I read this and laughed my ass off. I can't leave you alone for a minute!!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Uh, Robin? Sweetie? You're logged on under me. I miss you. You missed your favorite meal.