Friday, May 6, 2011

Gonna be a looooong summer.....

We are not expecting any company any time soon and as a direct result, the guest room is a total mess.  It's entirely my fault.  It's all my clothes all over the place.  In my own defense, I am not used to having seasonal clothes.  In Miami, it's just hot and hotter.  It's chilly here today and supposed to be really warm this weekend.  So I have shorts and jeans and tee shirts and sweatshirts galore.

I decided to work on it this morning.  As I'm doing it, I am also doing laundry.  There are about a dozen piles of clothes on the dining room table.  I'm trying to get organized before I get hired on Monday.  (That's just got to happen.)

Still in PJ's at 11:00. (What?  Robin gets a half a day off today, should be home around 12:30, and I was gonna get showered and dressed before she got here.  Maybe.)

The dogs started going apeshit.  Moreso than usual.  This couldn't be a squirrel they're barking at.  I go to the backdoor and find Iris and Joe standing there.  Don't forget, I'm still sweeping up feathers from last night. 

There is no way they can come in.  At least I don't have the TV on.  House rule, remember?  Pandora was playing.

Anyone who knows my dogs knows they are ill behaved to say the least.  But sometimes the badness is a blessing.  Iris and Joe stopped by to drop off some Shabbos candles.  They couldn't get in the door because they'd be stampeded to death by the heathens.  They set the candles on the table and left.

Good dogs.

Close call.

15 minutes later I glanced out the front window and there they were, deadheading some flowers in the front yard.

I felt a little bad and called Robin, wondering if I should go out there.  Meanwhile they left.  Told Robin about the dogs and the candles and she said, "Good.  I'm glad you didn't let them in."

I think the thing to do is sometime bring it up that if they'd call first, that would give me time to put the dogs up.  Then they could come in and we could visit. 

Or maybe silence is golden. 


1 comment:

Charlene said...

I live upstairs in a commercial building so casual visitors and sales associates don't show up. If they do I talk to them on the cell and often say I'm out and about. This is much different than it was when I lived in an actual house in the 'burbs. I kind of like it!

I would never visit someone uninvited and planned. I guess the country gal in me has finally died. SMILE