I've written about the French backyard swinger neighbors before and their wild parties. Someone has been living in their house since right before Christmas. We figured the French people just rented it out. Bodi has a bad habit of jumping the fence. A couple of weeks ago, I couldn't get her back and had to go get her from their yard. I noticed that nobody was home and they had a little dog tethered to their deck outside with a big bowl of food and water. Since then, I have kept an eye on things and the people seem to come and go, but the dog always is tied up. I can't stand it, but figured many people keep their dogs outside. I can't save all the dogs, so I figured I'd just mind my own business and worry about my own heathens.
Then I decided that I couldn't let it go.
A law passed last April in Miami Dade County that it's illegal to keep dogs tied up outside. I called the authorities and was assured that an investigation would soon be under way. That was a few days ago. It's been chilly in Miami lately and last night it was predicted to dip into the 40's. I checked on the dog before I went to bed. There was a house full of people and this poor little dog was tied up alone outside.
I called Animal Control and they were closed. Robin called a cop friend and he said he'd check it out when we went to work at midnight. It was around 9 and I couldn't go to bed with that little dog freezing. (I know 40 isn't freezing, but still...)
So we decided we were gonna steal the dog. WTH? Those people didn't care about him. In my flannel nightgown, we got in the car and drove over there. As we approached their driveway, we saw that the dog had gotten loose and was running down the street. There was a pickup truck full of people leaving the house. We stopped them and asked if that was their dog. Only one person (barely) spoke English. He told me that it was their dog and they were trying to catch it. Bullshit! I think they purposely let the dog go and were leaving. Who packs up a truckload of people to chase a dog who has barely left the property? Not buying it.
Robin stayed in the car and I'm not sure what came over me, but I turned into Super Bitch on Wheels (in my flannel nightgown which is sky blue covered in clouds - very intimidating!). I found out that their sister cleans this house and the dog belongs to her. I told the guy that I don't care who it belongs to - that not only is it wrong to leave a dog tied up outside, but it's illegal and that I've notified the authorities. I told him that they are prepared to come and get the dog and there is a $1000.00 fine. I threw that part in for fun. He told me that he didn't know that and would keep the dog inside from now on.
I think these people are staying in this house unknown to the owners. For all I know, they could be in this country illegally too. I don't really care about that. I just care about this little dog and am gonna be watching these people like a hawk.
Robin always tells me I like dogs more than people. Duh.
As Iris (Robin's mom) would say - we did a mitzvah!!!
1 comment:
OMG, you are too much! This is a classic story. I love that you rescue animals in your PJs.
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