I've been at my computer since around 7:30 this morning. I've made a few Facebook comments, posted on the Weight Watchers board, spoke with my mother, but the main thing I've been doing is entering to win a free trip to New York City. Over and over and over. It's just for a weekend, but the whole package is worth $15,000.00. That's a lot of money to spend in one weekend, even for Robin.
Can't tell you where to enter because frankly I don't want the competition.
But really the main thing I'm doing is procrastinating. Robin said today's a holiday and I don't have to work, so it's not work that I'm avoiding (today, anyway).
It's the treadmill. I have been on such a roll with it lately (even running some), but today I just don't feel like doing it. (And Debra? You can tell that husband of yours - it's because of cramps. First day of the period bad bad menstrual CRAMPS. There.)
Wait a minute. I have been answering the phone. That means I've been working. Like just now, the security guy called to tell me that there's a lock out in 806. A what? A lock out. Someone locked themselves out. Duh.
So I just called Robin to tell her about the lock out in 806. Her response? "A what?"
"A lock out. Someone locked themself out."
"Well what the hell (I cleaned that up...Robin enjoys her F bombs) do you want me to do about it?"
"I don't know."
"Well me neither."
"OK. Bye."
I called the security guy back and suggested he give the old person the master key. He said, "No. The man called his son. His son has a spare key. He'll bring it to him".
Me, "Well wouldn't it be easier just to give him the spare key?"
Security guard, "No. You can't make it too easy for these people. They take advantage".
There - another 15 minutes that I'll never get back.
1 comment:
I, for one, think that you have accomplished at least one very important thing for the day - and that is making me laugh my ass off!! Not only did I get a shout out in my first blog... but so did my husband. It's like I'm famous.
Oh, and BTW - the "dreadmill" will probably alleviate the cramping. I'm just saying. This coming from an anti-exerciser... so I say probably. It's what "they" say.
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