Monday, July 4, 2011

Back to Square One.

I was fired on Friday.

I was super upset  (did NOT show it in front of the owner - would never give her the satisfaction), but I pretty much cried all Friday night.  Woke up sad on Saturday and by noon, I was completely over it.  Had a lightbulb moment. 

Here's the thing.  I LOVED the job and my co-workers.  I knew it was a temporary thing on my part, but I didn't realize just how temporary.  I loved the work, but detested the female owner.  Didn't like her since Day I.  She is a fake person and was not at all an animal lover.  Won't go into further detail.  And if she does happen to read this one day, I couldn't care less.  There were more than a couple things that I saw at this facility that I did not like and I had already started looking for another job. 

I worked there five weeks.  The first two weeks, she was never nice to me, but I hung in there knowing that they were going on a European vacation for three weeks.  The first day they were gone, I asked the lady in charge to teach me everything I needed to know so I'd be self sufficient by the time they returned.  I was doing an awesome job (if I do say so myself, other than the dog mix up, but the groomer was partly to blame there) and I knew it.  Robin stopped by a few times to say hello, and the gal in charge told her each time how well I was doing.

Owner returned home at around 4:30 on Friday.  By 4:45, she told me it wasn't working out.  Asked her if she cared to elaborate, and she advised me that, although she really likes me (right) and that I have a great personality (I'll give her that), I wasn't performing the way she'd hoped.


She hadn't even been there for the past three weeks.  That's why I was so upset.  I was perfectly comfortable and capable and I just couldn't believe it.   I will admit that, on occasion in the past, if you called me a slacker, I wouldn't disagree.  But not in this case.  There wasn't time to slack even if I wanted to.

So now it's back to the drawing board.  I have a good attitude and positive outlook.  There were two vet jobs on Craigslist recently, here in town.  That's a start.  Plus Robin has access to all types of job leads.

I am not a confrontational person, but I really had to bite my tongue with this girl.  This is a small town and if I want another animal job, chances are our paths will cross again.  Need to go back for my final check and have two weeks to figure out what I want to say to her. 

So there you have it.  I will miss the job, but it feels so good to not have that dreading feeling of having to deal with her tomorrow.    Being a big Karma believer, I know that something bigger and better is out there waiting for me.  And she will definitely get hers.  This sounds sour grapey, but she's pure evil.  To the people and the animals.

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