Friday, July 15, 2011

Robin just got yelled at by a friend because I haven't written on my blog in a week.

"It's not like she's working?  Why can't she write on her blog?  What the hell does she do all day?"

Good question.  I'll tell you what I'm not doing all day.  Answering my phone.

Truth is, I'm  in  a little funk.  Am very stressed out about not working and the stress has totally settled in my neck.  Thus, the above picture.

I have applied for probably 25 jobs, give or take.  Had one interview with a local vet.  Thought it went well.  Lady said she'd call either way.  Thought I'd bonded with her a little because we both left Upstate New York at age 18, moved to Florida, and wound up here.    Have not heard a peep from her, despite my three follow up phone calls.    When I tell them my name, I get, "Debra's in a meeting.  Can I take a message?"

Then I bit the bullet and applied at a local law office.  Wrote what I thought was a wonderful cover letter.  Nothing. 

I check my phone several times a day to make sure it's working.  Checked my resume to make sure my phone number is right.  Everything's in order.  I don't get it.

Decided to make the most of this time off by cooking only healthy stuff and working out every day.  That's coming along nicely.  Until I weighed today.  Down 1.5 pounds since Sunday.  Was hoping more like 15.  Bite me, scale.

My ex's mom died this week.  She was a part of my life for a long time.  Feel awful for the entire family, but take peace in knowing that she is now with her husband of some 50 plus years.   Made me realize how many of my friends have lost one or both of their parents.  Robin and I are very lucky to not have gone through that.

Then my gloomy doomy week turned on a dime.  I got mad.  I had to go pick up my last paycheck today.  Could not have cared less if the owner was there or not.  She was the a-hole here, not me.   Turns out, they were on their way to Wisconsin to pick up their foster children.  Yes, the witch has foster kids.  She's no nicer to them than she is the animals.   Makes me wonder why she even has these kids.  Not wondering too hard though - $$$$$?  The maternal grandparents had taken the little girls while my prior bosses went to Europe.    Learned that one of my former coworkers was attacked by the owners' dog.  Here in NC, when there's a dog bite, the dog has to be quarantined.  I know this from personal experience.  The owner BEGGED this girl to tell the authorities that she was bitten by her own dog.  Said it would be bad for business. So she did and now her dog is quarantined for 10 days.  What will happen if this girl's dog ever does bite someone in the future?  I'm assuming nothing good.  Unfreakenbelievable the nerve this woman has.  Shows her character.  Or lack thereof.

Got my check, drove to the bank and guess what?  She didn't fill it in correctly.   She wrote the numerical amount, but not where you write out the words.  Mistake?  Doubt it.  She doesn't make mistakes.  And it's not like I could go make and have her fill it in.  She's on her way to Wisconsin.  So, feeling like I was being set up, yet not really caring because I'm not forging her name, I wrote out the numbers and went to another Suntrust.  Cashed check and spent it all at the grocery store.

My week ended with a phone call from the unemployment office.  Appears I did not make enough money in the past whatever quarters and don't qualify.   That is just plain sad.

I know that in the scheme of things, I am just experiencing a hiccup in life.  One day this time will all make sense.  I know that in comparison to the Anthony family, Jaycee Dugard's family and the family of  Leiby Kletzky, my problems are nothing.

1 comment:

cybermatic said...

That witch raises children for profit?? OMG. Call DFS in NC. Those children are at risk.