Saturday, July 16, 2011

One of the cats tried to have his way with me today.

My neck is still hurting so I had Robin put "ActivOn" on it.  Doesn't really help, but it does heat the area up a little, so I guess that makes it feel slightly better.  Went to lie down and Taliban (I had nothing to do with that name, thanks, cat was here first) went NUTS.  Kneading my back and purring the whole time, he was licking my neck and shoulders!  At first I wondered WTH had gotten into him, then it dawned on me that I had medicine on my neck.  Tried to get him away from me and he clawed and held on to my shirt.  Feeling quite violated, I yelled for Robin.  She came to the rescue and soon became a victim herself.  He hissed at her, scratched her arm and came back for some  more of me.  Finally was able to break away and felt the need to shower.

That was probably the highlight of the day so far.  We bought ingredients for chili yesterday and in a weak moment, I suggested to Robin that we have Iris and Joe over for chili tomorrow.   Before I even had the sentence out of my mouth, Robin was on the phone and Iris was saying yes.  Now I have to make two pots of chili.  One for Joe and one for the rest of us.  He can't handle spicy.  If Iris read this, she'd say, "He can handle me."

Robin has a dew rag on.  Well, it's not really a dew rag.  My PJ's bottoms are normally too long and I just cut them off.  (Very sexy.  No wonder Taliban wanted me.) Robin then takes the six to eight inch pieces of fabric and wears them on her head.  (Also very sexy.)  But only when she's in a cleaning or organizing mood.  I know I'm in trouble when she's wearing one.   A friend called last night and told us how she makes her own ginger ale, kitty litter and laundry detergent.  Robin's made the ginger ale and kitty litter so far today.  The kitty litter involves shredded newspaper that you wet then dry.  That makes no sense to me, but whatever.   Robin is not known for her patience and asked me, NOT JOKINGLY, if she could dry the newspaper in the oven.

So now, being the losers that we are, we are watching the Casey Anthony trial highlights and waiting to see what happens when she's released.    Not sure if that will take the lead as highlight of the day over my rendezvous with Taliban. 

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