Thursday, March 31, 2011

New day, new mood.

I allow myself one day per month to be down. Cramps are usually involved, hormones too. There's really no "allowing" going on. The mulligrubs just take over like a run away train and there's nothing I can do about it. It lasts exactly one day.

My problems haven't gone away since yesterday. Jeff, the nice guy attorney turned moronic idiot, didn't call and beg me to come work for him. Agents aren't pounding on my door asking me for more. I didn't lose 50 pounds overnight. There dogs are still heathens. Robins's still a heathen.


I woke feeling like myself again. Then I did the treadmill and I now feel great! I know I should lift weights, blah blah blah, but my treadmill is my thing. We have a not so secret passionate love/hate thing between us. I hate it until I actually get on it, then I love it for the rest of the day. The anticipation of doing it is far worse than actually doing it. Guess NIKE's advertisers hit the nail on the head with "Just Do It". How true!

Once I hit the mill, I always feel better prepared to make healthier choices throughout the day. Guess it's that all or nothing at all mentality. Especially while I am unemployed, I am going to force myself to get it over with first thing every day. It really makes a difference in my day, attitude, outlook and choices.

O.M.G. I typed the above from my iPad about 20 minutes ago. Before I published it to my blog, I wanted to add a picture. Can only do that from Robin's laptop and she's taking some type of test right now. Yesterday I learned that my desk top is officially in computer heaven. Was very upset then, but today I'm thankful to have my iPad and her laptop. See? New day. New 'tude. Riiiight?

Anywho...we bought ten cans of tuna fish on sale the other day. Just now while waiting for her to finish her test, I googled tuna salad recipes.

Here's the OMG. Add curry. Make your tuna the way you normally would and ADD CURRY.

Gonna run out and get more tuna. Have a new thing.


Anonymous said...

Before any of you out there decide to go and make this...uh, tuna and curry? NOT SO MUCH...I think Kim is trying to kill me. Gotta go brush my teeth now and get that awful taste outta my mouth...

Unknown said...

Like your third grader Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is good?

Please Visit Me said...

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