Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yesterday's Interview

The interview was at 6:30.  It was just getting dark in Asheville and maybe that added to the creepiness of the whole thing, but probably not.  It was a very awkward and uncomfortable interview.  The worst one I can recall.

The doctor and his wife were finishing up with another interviewee while I waited in the waiting room.  The lady sounded good.  Bright.  Articulate.  Engaging.  Crap - how am I supposed to compete with that?

Then she walked out.   She very much resembed androgynous Pat from SNL, except that she was clearly a she (I'm guessing).  The kilt and the beret gave it away.  Now that I think of it, men do wear kilts and berets.  Now I'm not sure what to think.

The doctor came out and got me.  We shook hands and he had one of those intense stares.  Felt like lightening rods were flying out of his eyes into mine.  Thought that it was just upon the initial hello, but he held that look the entire time.  He resembled an unattractive Jay Leno (not that I find Jay Leno attractive, at all, but this guy was like Leno meets the wall) and was so soft spoken, I could barely hear him.  He held his head with his chin close to his chest and those scary friggen eyes and their death grip just kept staring up.  Ew.

He did not ask me one question.  He told me about the practice.  He started it a year ago and now has six other doctors working with him.  They all have other jobs, too.  I was really listening hard, in case he asked me a question, but he lost me somewhere between, "Most days, you will have nothing to do" and "The others come and go all day, so mainly it will be you and I here alone" and something about wires being attached to kids' heads while they play video games and they're being treated without knowing it. 

Oh wait.  He did ask me a question.  Would I be willing to assist with wiring up the patients?

Good luck, Pat.  Ima gonna pass.

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