Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting off the new year right...

Poor Robin hasn't been out of the house since Monday.  She is immobile, but in far less pain than she was.  I, on the other hand, have mysteriously developed a rather severe pain in my neck and ass since Monday. 

Having a sense of cabin fever, she insisted on going to the grocery store with me this morning.  Knowing for sure that Harris Teeter has those drivable carts for the old, the fat and the invalid, we went there.  She LOVED it!  She raced up and down the isles, had conversations with other wheelchair bound people, exchanged horror broken bones stories, and pretty much ate every free sample they were giving away.  As I pried her out of there, an old lady came up to her and asked, "Are you Iris' daughter?"  Apparently she's a friend of Iris' and Iris told her about the pink cast.  Small town.

Robin sat on the bench with her walker as I unloaded the groceries.  Then I got in my car and took off!!!  Ha ha ha ~~~ I was cracking myself up!!!  I did go back.  Eventually.  (Reminds me of the times we've been garage saling with my mom and left her.  And when Deb and Ing visited us last year, we left Deb at a convenience store.  At night.  In a not so nice area.)  

In Iris and Joe news, they're coming back today for a funeral next week.  Good timing because I can ship Robin off to them when I have to work.  Bad news is I am spending all day Joe-ifying the house.  He is the most anal retentive person on the planet and I feel like they/he will be doing the white glove treatment.  They'll be here for two weeks, give or take. 

Back to swirling (cleaning).

PS:  Am I too old to like Katy Perry?  I love "Teenage Dream", but I feel kinda pervy liking it so much.

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