Monday, January 3, 2011

Around the water cooler...

Last night a litle girl (about six years old) came through my line with her father.  She had very bushy eyebrows and a mustache.  I could not take my eyes off her.  It wasn't like the picture above, but she clearly could use some bleach or waxing or whatever ladies do to get rid of a 'stache.  Her father was bald.

So I told the kid working the cashier next to me, "Did you see that little girl?  She had a mustache."  His response?  "That's OK.  I had a couple of lesbians come through my line about an hour ago."

I guess to a hillbilly high school kid lesbians are circus worthy.

Then about an hour later he went on and on about his rodeos.  Told me he was almost killed the night before when he was thrown off whatever it was he was riding and the animal almost stepped on his head.  Said he's been doing rodeos since he was 12 years old.  He told me the national something or other that he's affiliated with.  He was totally bragging about his rodeo-ing.  I asked him if his mother was there the night before when he was almost killed.  He just said yes, then we got busy.  Well, he and I didn't get busy busy.  We both got customers.

A little while later, a woman about my age came through my line buying cookies.  The kid came up to her and asked for some.  She acted like she didn't know him.  Come to find out it was his mother.  I had to ask her, "You must have been terrified last night?"

Her:  "Why?"

Me:  "When Jimmy was thrown off the horse."

Her:  "What horse?"

Me:  "At the rodeo."

Her:  "What are you tallking about?"

Me:  "Jimmy told me he was thrown off the horse at the rodeo last night and it almost stepped on his head."

Her:  "He GOES to the rodeo, but he's not part of the rodeo."

Jimmy came over and caught wind of our conversation.  He turned beet red and tried to back peddle out of it by telling me he didn't say he was part of the rodeo.

Then I second guessed myself and thought maybe I'd misunderstood.  Afterall, he does have a very thick accent.  But then another co-worker came over and asked me about it.  I told him and he said that this kid has done nothing but brag about his rodeo skills since he started working there.  Total liar!!!

That's all I have.

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