Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A good Jew does not mix dairy with meat.

I know this from Iris.  Joe doesn't care.  Iris is a stickler.

We were invited to their house last night for beef stew.  I've had her stew before and I love it.  I offered to pick up some nice bread.  About every third customer buys HT artisan bread, so I knew it had to be good.  While Robin was zooming around the deli department, I asked her what type of bread I should get.  As usual, I got an "I don't care".

So after much (some) deliberation, I chose a pretty three cheese bread.  Got in the car and told Robin what I'd gotten.  She informed me that Iris would not eat it.  Thought to myself, "We'll see about that." 

Got to their house and put the bread on the counter, label side down.  Joe sliced the bread and we all ate it.  Iris said things like, "This bread is yummy."  And "This bread is so good." So on and so on.

After dinner, Iris helped Robin to the bathroom and Joe and I were cleaning up.  They had a berry pie for dessert.  Joe told me that they also had ice cream and he wanted pie a la mode but Iris said no because you can't have anything dairy when you have a meal with meat.  I then showed him the bread label and he cracked up and we high fived each other!!!

This is not the first time I've tricked Iris and I'm sure it won't be the last.  Not only has she had my meatloaf with cheese, she's eaten nonturkey bacon, non Kosher hot dogs and PORK.  She loved it all. 

HEY!!  Now that I think about it, Iris put butter on her bread.  So even if she didn't realize it was cheese bread she was eating, she knowingly ate butter with her beef stew.  Bad Jew, Iris.  Bad bad Jew.

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