Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another Glamorous Weekend!!!!

I should be happy I even had a weekend.  Was "on call" yesterday and wasn't needed.

Weekend started Friday night.  Boxed fish sticks for dinner. 

Shall I go on?

Yesterday I woke up in an awful mood and decided that I hate my life.  By noon, PMS had turned into that time of the month and I was fine.  I think I made Robin cry a little, I was so awful.  Afterward I reminded her that I am usually an unbeat positive person, a pure delight, if you will, so if I have a couple hours of psychosis once a month, then so be it.

Sundays have turned into a big day in La Casa de Hellmandez Frasierioso.  The newspaper comes out with allll the coupons and sales for the week.  We got dressed and drove down to her store to do the deed.  Deed meaning pay for one paper and taking two.  Or four.  Then we go in the store and make chit chat with the girls.  The paper(s) is (are) sitting on the dining room table now waiting for her to attack them.  I went to sneak a peak and she caught me and screamed, "Don't mess them up!!"  Jeeez Laweeez.  I considered totally messing them up but Robin is kind of vulnerable right now, so I didn't want to push her over the edge.  Besides, having the coupons and sales all to herself tomorrow will be the highlight of her day.  Until I walk through the door after work, that is.

Speaking of work, I have been pretty much exactly on the money since I've been assigned to thin ice.    Delores, I swear to GOD, high fived me the other day, she was so proud. 

After we got our paper(s), we had to go to the store and get cat food.  BOGO with a good coupon.  Nice!
Then the angels sang and the sky opened up.....pasta $1.  We had coupons for $1.  FREE PASTA!!!  Robin wet her pants a little.  Then I wet my pants a little.  Bordon's cheese 2/$4.  We had $1 coupons, making all Bordon's cheese $1.  Success!!!

'Twas absolutely beautiful out today.  Mid 60's and sunny.  In Miami, I had a Sunday afternoon ritual, which was to float in the pool and have two or three beers.  Just having a chair and not having a pool, I now have  to improvise.  I put on my tank top and shorts, grabbed a Heiney, chained Bodi up to the thing so she can't jump the fence, got all the other dogs situated and began to relax in the sun.  Felt good.  The dogs all went to the back corner and barked and waited for the neighbor to bring them treats.  How embarrasing.  Robin hobbled out and sat near me with her pink casted leg elevated on the walker.  We looked like white trash for sure.  I had promised Brady that I'd play fetch with him, but I couldn't find his ball.  Would up using an empty beer can. 

Now I'm gonna go put up my Valentine's Day tree and vittle up some pasta and cheese.

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