in Septeeeeember. (Maybe to be here in October? November? April? April's a good month. Good peeps done born in April.)
I wish I could say I haven't been here (here meaning here on my blog...not to be confused with here in NC) since 08/25/10 because I've been w-o-r-k-i-n-g. That, unfortunately, is not the case. I have been looking for work, but the pickens are slim. I do love having my own business (muttstruttcarolina), and think I'd love it even more if I actually had clients.
Not that it was difficult AT ALL, but I think Robin and I have fallen in to our roles as Carolina Girls very well. As a way to cut back on finances, I dyed my hair kinda back to it's natural color. It's been blonde so long, I don't even know for sure what the natural color is. What I have on there now kinda matches the roots, so it's good. I also did away with acrylic nails. These two sacrifices are only temporary. Once I'm working and things are back to normal, I'll go back to being the cheap looking floozy everyone knows. Dolly Parton once said, "It takes a lot of money to look this cheap"!
I have not, however, given up tanning. I have told Robin that I'd sooner give up vodka than tanning. I seriously hope I don't have a Sophie's choice to make.
I make Robin listen to John Denver in the car every time we go somewhere. Not really sure why, because his songs are all about West Virgina and the Rocky Mountains. Her favorite is "Thank God I'm a Country Boy", and she claims it's her theme song. Whatev. I always tell her that if I wanted to be with a 12 year old boy, I'd be with a 12 year old boy. Then again, I'm not Mary Kay Letournea Milli Vanilli. Although I am fascinated by that story. Same with Aileen Wuornos. Love me some bad girls.
Robin has had a bad back lately. Today she felt like nursing it. Being the great and compassionate partner I am, I suggested (after an hour of her nursing it) that we get outside and enjoy the perfect weather. (Warning: I am super excited about the upcoming fall and winter. If you continue to read my blog, you will hear all about it and I'm sure you will become very tired very quickly about the weather in Western North Carolina. Sorry in advance.) We decided to grab our cameras and look for a waterfall. We wound up at the Dupont National Forest. You may want to check the weather station, because I'm pretty sure that hell has frozen over. Today we HIKED!!!! And the very best part is that we loved it! There are so many places to hike around here too. It's close, convenient, FREE, healthy, outdoors (equals free tan ~ vodka, you're in the lead), and we can bring dogs! Then we came home and I made a big batch of beef stew and homemade bread.
How much more North Carolinian can we be?
(Note to self: I know you hadn't planned on hiking today, but in the future, when you do plan on it, don't wear flip flops. You're not in Florida any more.)
PS: Yes, I do understand that hiking may not have been the best thing for Robin's back. I'll walk on it later for her. Not in flip flops though.
PSS: Now that song, "Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls", is stuck in my head. Never liked that song and I surely don't like it now. Gonna play "Annie's Song" and see what happens.
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