I know I should be "out there" instead of writing here. The truth is, I just got home and I just don't have the heart for this today. Started at a small family owned pet store - "just hired a gal - seems to be working out fine - but check back." OK - I'll check back. Went next door to a family owned drug store - "not hiring now - but take this application and bring it back - we'll keep you on file". Took the application. Next was a really cute card and stationary store that I can't tell Robin about. She would spend all her money there. I asked the Asian woman if they're hiring. She nodded and smiled. A nod and smile?! OMG! I would LOVE to work at a place like this! "No. We no hiya now". Bitch, then why'd you nod?
Next stop, "Steinmart". My mother thought that would be a good place for me to work. Very close (all these places are within walking distance) and I'd probably get an employee discount. I walked in and asked if they're hiring. Three southern ladies were in a circle gabbing away. One of them looked at me, "Can I help you, ma'am?". I felt as though I'd interrrupted their discussion about "Big Brother" final three. (FYI and BTW - the Brigade made it to the end...poor Britney.) "I was wondering if you guys are hiring?" The lady literally gave me an up and down look and said no. Then I asked for an application. Fresh out. I think I should have said, "I was wondering if y'all are hiring" instead of "you guys".
This is such a humbling experience. Not only do I have to totally redefine and tweak my job experience and pay, but now I feel like I need to develop a fake southern accent.
Last stop before I came home was "Fresh Market". I did recently apply for a position online. The job title was "Cheese Specialist". Other than working around animals or maybe a tanning salon, I can't think of a better title for me. "Kim E. Frasier, Cheese Extraordinaire". How cute would business cards be with little varying sized holes in them - for swiss cheese? A lady told me that all their applications are done online. I'm finding that a lot. So I came home to see where I can apply online. Rejection is much easier in the privacy of my own home. Especially with a few dogs at my feet.
Sorry Kim. Love the Fresh Market! Are there any coffee shops?
Yes, there are a few coffee shops. No stone will be left unturned!
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