Wednesday, June 1, 2011

And I thought I was bad....

People LOVE to talk about their dogs.  Especially the type of people who bring their dogs to doggy daycare.  BTW, I was told today that I can bring my dogs to daycare for free if I can work without being distracted by them being there.  Can't make any promises.

It took me about an hour to learn how to tune out the Fluffy and Snowball stories.   We all know that the only fascinating dog stories are mine.  Period.  But today a old couple (their combined age was no less than 210) came in to check out the premises and told me a little bit about their angels, Mikey and Missy.  Normally I enjoy elderly people.  (It's kids I have issues with...just kidding...not really).  I can tell that this couple is really gonna be a pain in the tuckus, but I liked their story.

Years ago, they had a dog who died.  A few years after that they decided to get another dog.  They had beige carpeting and wanted a light colored dog who was at least three years old.  Went to the Humane Society and didn't see anything like that.  Then they called their old vet to see where else they could go.  Come to find out, a couple had just dropped off two dogs.  They were six months old and black.  Not what they'd had in mind, but they fell in love with them.  They took them and named them Mikey and Missy.

The couple wanted some info from the former owners, so the vet hooked them up.  The former owners told them what they wanted to know, and also mentioned that their names had been Blake and Lady.  They asked what their new names were.  When the new owners told them Mikey and Missy, there was a long dead silence. 

The prior owners names' were Michael and Melissa and, you got it, they went by Mikey and Missy.

Cool, huh?

The job is going super well.  She tells me everyday how well I'm doing, so that's good.  No puppies have complained (that I know of), so that's good too.  We close at noon on Wednesday, so don't think that I'm blogging from work.  Not that I wouldn't.


Charlene said...

I once had a cocker spaniel who came to work with me every day. Everyone loved her. Often when I had reason to call on small businesses they would have their dogs or cats with them. This is another reason to work for small companies!

Unknown said...

I've worked for huge corporations and small mom and pop's...small companies are so much better to work for.