Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Did you know that chewing ice is a sign of anemia?

Well, it is. Years ago I was constantly chewing ice and didn't think anything about it, other than how fun it was to annoy Robin and my co-workers. The more they complained, the more I crunched. I went to the doctor for something else. She asked me if I chewed a lot of ice and, lo and behold, turned out I was anemic. Took some stuff, ate some steak and spinach, and it went away. So did the ice chewing.

I have been unusually tired lately and chalked it up to starting a new job. Some days I work 10 hours, 9 1/2 of which are on my feet. It would be normal for me to be tired. But I have also noticed the ice chewing has resurfaced. So I'm thinking anemia has set in again.

Rationalizing my self diagnosis, I thought it was very fitting to take a nap today. Got home around 1:00 (1/2 day today), grabbed a bite (a leftover piece of pizza from Saturday's adventure at "Mellow Mushroom". Don't "ew" me. I froze the leftovers that day), and settled in in my dark cozy bedroom for a snooze. Within seconds, the dogs were going nuts. Knowing their barks, this wasn't just a squirrel or bunny or walker byer. I had to get up to see what all the ruckus was.

They were going apeshit over the guy across the street washing his windows. He is always doing something - pressure washing his deck, mowing the grass, gardening - but I guess it's the little motion of the white paper towels that was sending Brady, Bodi and Buddy into orbit. Maxx and Baxter couldn't have cared less.

Now...back to that snooze. Could someone bring me a spinach and steak salad for dinner?

1 comment:

cybermatic said...

Uh, not for nothin', but don't they have sitting down jobs over there? Your last one was a stander-upper too, although I don't think it had you chewing ice. I'm just sayin'....