Weight: 12-25 (lbs)
Height: 10-14 (Inches.)
Color(s): white, black, brown, parti color, gray
Coat: The coat is about 1/2 inch in length with a soft under coat.
Character: The Ori Pei is strong, intelligent and loving.
Temperament: The Ori Pei is friendly and becomes very attached to the family. They get along well with children. Fairly stubborn but rarely aggressive.
Care: This breed needs an occasional bath and brushing. The creases on the face need to be cleaned regularly.
Training: The Ori Pei loves to please its owner and do well with gentle training.
Activity: The Ori Pei needs moderate exercise and loves to be taken for walks. The Ori Pei is considered A+ for apartment living.
Country of Origin: USA
Life Expectancy: 12-15 (Yrs.)[1]
The Ori-Pei has a recognized pedigree up to 6 generations by The American Canine Association, amongst other pedigree registrations.[citation needed] The dog was created by Aaron Silver (United States) to alleviate Shar-Pei health problems such as eye tacking, skin problems, and hip dysplasia.[2]
In Baxter's defense, he is very long and tall.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
So wrong. Yet, so I don't care.
There was a fly in my drink.
I removed it with the metal back scratcher that I scratch Baxter's back with every night.
I flung the fly across the room.
Brady ran and ate it.
I continued sipping my drink.
I removed it with the metal back scratcher that I scratch Baxter's back with every night.
I flung the fly across the room.
Brady ran and ate it.
I continued sipping my drink.
Move over, J.K. Rowlings...
Make room, Stephenie Meyer...
There's a new over night sensation in the works. I can just FEEL it.
It's me.
I have a new follower. (I hope I don't embarass you, Mr. Harvie.)
Under his "about me":
Industry - Arts
Occupation - Humourist
City - Victoria, BC, CANADA!!!!!!
So hang on my hangers on, I am about to be catapulted in to the literary world by an INTERNATIONAL HUMOURIST!!!
Just kidding. Or AM I?
Thanks for signing up, Mr. Harvie. I think your writings are very witty and clever, so I feel flattered.
There's a new over night sensation in the works. I can just FEEL it.
It's me.
I have a new follower. (I hope I don't embarass you, Mr. Harvie.)
Under his "about me":
Industry - Arts
Occupation - Humourist
City - Victoria, BC, CANADA!!!!!!
So hang on my hangers on, I am about to be catapulted in to the literary world by an INTERNATIONAL HUMOURIST!!!
Just kidding. Or AM I?
Thanks for signing up, Mr. Harvie. I think your writings are very witty and clever, so I feel flattered.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I love days like this!
It's chilly, dark and rainy outside. I have a huge pot of what started out to be chicken and dumplings on the stove. It's turning out to be chicken and dumplings and vegetables. I just found out that I have high blood pressure and am supposed to stay away from salt. That's pretty hard for me. I sampled the soup and it sucked. Before I went to the doctor on Friday, I made seasoned potatoes on Thursday. They were quite salty. I totally cheated...cut the leftovers up in little pieces and threw them in the pot. So now it's gonna be chicken and dumplings and celery and onions and carrots and mushrooms and salty potatoes.
Woke up to an email from an Asheville law firm. I have an interview Wednesday at 10:30. I have a couple other leads, so things may be headed in the right directions. Finally.
Robin is at the point where she realizes that she is way too smart to be working where she's working. Not sure what she'll end up doing, but she refuses to step foot in a law firm. I also wasn't thrilled with the idea of working in a law firm. Wanted a totally new career. In what, I don't know. We shall see. But for now we are going to enjoy this deliciously (love that word when not describing food...actually I love it when describing food too) lazy perfect Sunday. Nowhere we have to be and nothing we have to do.
Woke up to an email from an Asheville law firm. I have an interview Wednesday at 10:30. I have a couple other leads, so things may be headed in the right directions. Finally.
Robin is at the point where she realizes that she is way too smart to be working where she's working. Not sure what she'll end up doing, but she refuses to step foot in a law firm. I also wasn't thrilled with the idea of working in a law firm. Wanted a totally new career. In what, I don't know. We shall see. But for now we are going to enjoy this deliciously (love that word when not describing food...actually I love it when describing food too) lazy perfect Sunday. Nowhere we have to be and nothing we have to do.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Why do I tell Iris that tomorrow (Robin's day off) we just want to stay home, supposed to be rainy and cold and we just want to stay in and make chilli, and she says, "Do you want to come over for dinner?"
Speaking of Iris...I needed to go to a doctor this week. Took my blood pressure on one of those machines. Sky high. Went to different place the next day. Sky high again. It's never been high. So Iris told me to call and make an appointment with her doctor. I called - they don't take self pay people. I am obviously without insurance right now. They recommended me to another doctor - got in and LOVED HIM, even though I could have given birth to him. He's 27. Anywho, Iris wanted to know how her doctor knew I didn't have insurance. Uh, cuz they asked me. "Well why didn't you tell them that you have it?" Uh, cuz I don't. Then I told her who the new doctor was. "Well I never heard of him." Uh, so?
The day before that she called me. She was taking us to lunch and we were having a "ladies' day". She asked me if Robin was wearing a baseball cap. No, but she did have on a bandana. So Iris started yelling at me about why Robin has to wear anything on her head.
The day before that she called an yelled at me about Robin's work schedule and how she didn't like it.
I love Iris and am glad to have a close relationship with her. The bitching, I could do without.
Speaking of Iris...I needed to go to a doctor this week. Took my blood pressure on one of those machines. Sky high. Went to different place the next day. Sky high again. It's never been high. So Iris told me to call and make an appointment with her doctor. I called - they don't take self pay people. I am obviously without insurance right now. They recommended me to another doctor - got in and LOVED HIM, even though I could have given birth to him. He's 27. Anywho, Iris wanted to know how her doctor knew I didn't have insurance. Uh, cuz they asked me. "Well why didn't you tell them that you have it?" Uh, cuz I don't. Then I told her who the new doctor was. "Well I never heard of him." Uh, so?
The day before that she called me. She was taking us to lunch and we were having a "ladies' day". She asked me if Robin was wearing a baseball cap. No, but she did have on a bandana. So Iris started yelling at me about why Robin has to wear anything on her head.
The day before that she called an yelled at me about Robin's work schedule and how she didn't like it.
I love Iris and am glad to have a close relationship with her. The bitching, I could do without.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hey! I found a job on craigslist!!!
Older Actress needed ASAP (Asheville)
Date: 2010-09-24, 12:10PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Need an older, mid 50ish woman. Most be overweight, bloated, shoulder lenght hair. Must be able to learn lines and actions quickly. Must be in ASHEVILLE city limits. (No exceptions). Must be available EVERY DAY> WEEKENDS INCLUDED ( can work around work schedule for weekdays). Sent resume and headshot.
Date: 2010-09-24, 12:10PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Need an older, mid 50ish woman. Most be overweight, bloated, shoulder lenght hair. Must be able to learn lines and actions quickly. Must be in ASHEVILLE city limits. (No exceptions). Must be available EVERY DAY> WEEKENDS INCLUDED ( can work around work schedule for weekdays). Sent resume and headshot.
Monday, September 20, 2010
There is a Yiddish word for a crazy man.
It's meshugener.
Joe is a meshugener.
He came over by himself this morning and finished Lighting Fixture Number II. Perfect! Looks good. And best of all, it's DONE.
The doorknob situation? Not so good. Do you see something funny in the above pictures? Something not quite right? Something missing perhaps?
Well there is something missing. It's called a DOORKNOB.
He took the handle off the kitchen door, the one that the dogs kept pushing down and locking me out, and replaced it not with a knob, but another lock.
I said something to him about it. His response? "You don't need a knob."
I looked at Robin and couldn't read her. Was I crazy? Do we really not need a knob? Am I so spoiled that all these years I just took doorknobs for granted...and that people really don't need doorknobs?. In addition to my fake nails and tan and highlights, am I now going to have to live without a doorknob? Hell, if I can give up all the other stuff, this should be easy.
To get in the house, you just push the door open. Brady discovered that when I managed to sit in the sun for an hour today and he decided that that would be a good time for me to play fetch with him. So he merrily opened the door with his nose, went inside and came out with his ball. I went to shut the door, but there is really nothing to hold on to, so it was mostly ajar. Once inside, you can lock it. Two dead bolts, no doorknob.
We had to take something over to Iris later. Thought this would be a good opportunity to tell on Joe. For once, I wanted to hear Iris tell him that what he did was wrong. So we told her that we have two dead bolts and no knob. Guess what. She took his side!!!! Of all times for her to choose to stick up for him?!?
Am I being unreasonable? For real? Is this acceptable? Will Iris change her mind when she sees this mess?
Stay tuned....
Joe is a meshugener.
He came over by himself this morning and finished Lighting Fixture Number II. Perfect! Looks good. And best of all, it's DONE.
The doorknob situation? Not so good. Do you see something funny in the above pictures? Something not quite right? Something missing perhaps?
Well there is something missing. It's called a DOORKNOB.
He took the handle off the kitchen door, the one that the dogs kept pushing down and locking me out, and replaced it not with a knob, but another lock.
I said something to him about it. His response? "You don't need a knob."
I looked at Robin and couldn't read her. Was I crazy? Do we really not need a knob? Am I so spoiled that all these years I just took doorknobs for granted...and that people really don't need doorknobs?. In addition to my fake nails and tan and highlights, am I now going to have to live without a doorknob? Hell, if I can give up all the other stuff, this should be easy.
To get in the house, you just push the door open. Brady discovered that when I managed to sit in the sun for an hour today and he decided that that would be a good time for me to play fetch with him. So he merrily opened the door with his nose, went inside and came out with his ball. I went to shut the door, but there is really nothing to hold on to, so it was mostly ajar. Once inside, you can lock it. Two dead bolts, no doorknob.
We had to take something over to Iris later. Thought this would be a good opportunity to tell on Joe. For once, I wanted to hear Iris tell him that what he did was wrong. So we told her that we have two dead bolts and no knob. Guess what. She took his side!!!! Of all times for her to choose to stick up for him?!?
Am I being unreasonable? For real? Is this acceptable? Will Iris change her mind when she sees this mess?
Stay tuned....
Joe and Iris are coming over. AGAIN.
They came over last Thursday at 10:00 a.m. and left at 9:00 p.m. They were here yesterday for three hours while Robin was at work.
Last Thursday, we put down some cement stepping stone things in the back yard and removed some mulch. Robin and I thought things were fine before. There's a carport with pavement, then a little area of mulch before you get to the gate. Nothing wrong with mulch. Joe had some extra stepping stones and got it in his mind that we NEEDED them in that area. For the past month, every time we've seen them, we've been told to come and get the stones. "Yeah, yeah. We will." We didn't give a you know what about those stones. Joe gets something in his mind and becomes obsessed. So we finally drove over there and got the damn stones and brought them home. They followed us home. Guess Joe didn't vant the stones in his Jag.
Robin and I assisted Joe while Iris sat and supervised. Let the real fun begin. She kept saying that the stones weren't even, that there was too much mulch, that we needed to remove more mulch, why is there so much mulch, we don't need all that mulch, the mulch is very dirty, and so on. For every comment she made, Joe had a come back. "Ivis. I know vhat I'm doing. Just sit down. Go inside. You vant to do this?" And so on.
That wasn't too bad. And I happen to actually like the stones.
We came inside and I made sandwiches. Joe didn't vant one.
"Joe. You have to eat something."
"Ivis. I just ate."
"You did not, Joe. What did you eat?"
"I had some bread and cheese."
"Fine. I'm not gonna say another word."
Joe then started on lighting fixture Number I. A couple weeks ago, the light in the hallway fell to the ground. Robin thinks the bulb got too hot and it exploded. Noooo. It wasn't tightly secured to the ceiling. Joe had a spare fixture in his garage and said we could have it. Not my first choice, but beggars can't be choosers. They brought it over and decided it would look better in the living room than the hallway. Whatever. This meant removing what was in the living room. We watched as Joe climbed up the ladder in his SANDALS. At that point, I had no idea that he would remain in that position for the next nine hours or so. He has bad shoulders and stood on that ladder with his arms above his head all day long. Finally got the one fixture down and then it was time to install the new one.
Meanwhile Iris began to shout orders again. It was quieter when she was eating. Robin and I helped Joe as much as we could, but it was pretty much a one man show.
A couple hours later, Robin made some dip and brought it out with chips. Joe went apeshit when he saw Iris eating.
"You eating again? How you eat so much? You gonna explode you eat so much."
"Kiss my ass, Joe."
"You kiss mine. I vash it yesterday."
I was holding my breath, waiting for the big F U's.
"You don't have to be so mean."
"Oh just go eat."
"I'm not going to say another word."
He finally got Fixture Number I hung and it was crooked. Two more hours on the ladder and two more hours of Iris telling him it wasn't right.
By this time, it was getting dark. Robin insisted they stay for dinner (WHAT!) and made a tuna casserole. Joe started on putting the fixture from the living room in the hallway, but it was too dark. They'd have to come back.
I am not myself these days. Well, actually I kinda am and I don't like it. My hair is it's natural color, I don't have fake nails and worst of all ... I am pale. Yesterday I had planned on doing the treadmill, cleaning the house, and sitting in the sun from 12:00 - 2:00. Not much I can do about the hair or nails right now, but sunshine is free. I always feel better about myself when I have a little color. Or a lot. Besides, it was Sunday, and other than Craigslist, I really didn't have to feel guilty about sitting in the sun when I should be looking for a job.
I was at my computer, getting ready to do the treadmill. It was about 10:00. I could do the treadmill for 30-60 minutes, depending on how I felt. That would give me at least an hour to do some house work and be in the sun at noon. Gorgeous day. Warm, not hot. (50's at night...80's during the day - hafta always get the weather announced for my Florida haters) I could start on that new book. Reading always inspires to write. I can actually consider this kind of like working. Nothing to feel guilty about.
Then Iris called. She asked if they could come over so Joe could hang the other fixture.
"Sure! That'd be great!"
What was I supposed to say? Seriously. I need some guidance here. When we lived in Florida and they came home for the winter, we saw them maybe four times during their six month stay.
So they came back yesterday. Did I mention I was home alone? Iris came with turkey and bread and the minute she got here began to make sandwiches.
"Joe you want a sandwich?"
Oh no - please don't push the issue.
"NO. I came here to hang this. Not to eat."
Please don't push it - please don't push it - please don't push it.
"Joe. You have to eat."
"OK, Joe. You want something to drink?"
She is sooooo asking for it.
So Joe climbed up the ladder, muttered some stuff and said he had to go to the basement. He came back up and told me, "Kimi. You have to put a rug or something between by the door in the basement that goes in to the rage. You're wasting energy".
Oh, I almost forgot. After I did the treadmill, took a shower and swirled around the house, I remembered I have some Xanax. I rarely take them because they knock me out. I forgot how sleepy they make me.
"OK, Joe. I'll put a rug there." Yawn.
I swear, he made proabaly six trips to the basement and each time he resurfaced, he told me to put a rug by the door to save energy.
"OK, Joe".
He didn't get the fixture hung because whatever he needed, he needed it longer. (Iris didn't disagree on that one.)
Have I mentioned how the dogs lock me out? The back door has a handle, not a knob and they manage to lock it. I have mentioned it to Joe about a half a dozen times. Each time, he acts like we're discussing it for the first time. That's were Iris' harshness comes in handy.
As they were about to leave yesterday (and I was falling asleep), they said they'd be back some time this week to finish the fixture and replace the door knob. They left and I passed out. Woke up at about 5:00 and felt like a zombie. I don't get pill poppers. Other than the extra calories, why not just drink?
Robin goes in at 4:00 today. We went to bed discussing what we should do in the morning. I woke up to her on the phone.
"Iris and Joe are coming over to do the light and the door."
Time for me to go get that rug to put it by the basement door.
They came over last Thursday at 10:00 a.m. and left at 9:00 p.m. They were here yesterday for three hours while Robin was at work.
Last Thursday, we put down some cement stepping stone things in the back yard and removed some mulch. Robin and I thought things were fine before. There's a carport with pavement, then a little area of mulch before you get to the gate. Nothing wrong with mulch. Joe had some extra stepping stones and got it in his mind that we NEEDED them in that area. For the past month, every time we've seen them, we've been told to come and get the stones. "Yeah, yeah. We will." We didn't give a you know what about those stones. Joe gets something in his mind and becomes obsessed. So we finally drove over there and got the damn stones and brought them home. They followed us home. Guess Joe didn't vant the stones in his Jag.
Robin and I assisted Joe while Iris sat and supervised. Let the real fun begin. She kept saying that the stones weren't even, that there was too much mulch, that we needed to remove more mulch, why is there so much mulch, we don't need all that mulch, the mulch is very dirty, and so on. For every comment she made, Joe had a come back. "Ivis. I know vhat I'm doing. Just sit down. Go inside. You vant to do this?" And so on.
That wasn't too bad. And I happen to actually like the stones.
We came inside and I made sandwiches. Joe didn't vant one.
"Joe. You have to eat something."
"Ivis. I just ate."
"You did not, Joe. What did you eat?"
"I had some bread and cheese."
"Fine. I'm not gonna say another word."
Joe then started on lighting fixture Number I. A couple weeks ago, the light in the hallway fell to the ground. Robin thinks the bulb got too hot and it exploded. Noooo. It wasn't tightly secured to the ceiling. Joe had a spare fixture in his garage and said we could have it. Not my first choice, but beggars can't be choosers. They brought it over and decided it would look better in the living room than the hallway. Whatever. This meant removing what was in the living room. We watched as Joe climbed up the ladder in his SANDALS. At that point, I had no idea that he would remain in that position for the next nine hours or so. He has bad shoulders and stood on that ladder with his arms above his head all day long. Finally got the one fixture down and then it was time to install the new one.
Meanwhile Iris began to shout orders again. It was quieter when she was eating. Robin and I helped Joe as much as we could, but it was pretty much a one man show.
A couple hours later, Robin made some dip and brought it out with chips. Joe went apeshit when he saw Iris eating.
"You eating again? How you eat so much? You gonna explode you eat so much."
"Kiss my ass, Joe."
"You kiss mine. I vash it yesterday."
I was holding my breath, waiting for the big F U's.
"You don't have to be so mean."
"Oh just go eat."
"I'm not going to say another word."
He finally got Fixture Number I hung and it was crooked. Two more hours on the ladder and two more hours of Iris telling him it wasn't right.
By this time, it was getting dark. Robin insisted they stay for dinner (WHAT!) and made a tuna casserole. Joe started on putting the fixture from the living room in the hallway, but it was too dark. They'd have to come back.
I am not myself these days. Well, actually I kinda am and I don't like it. My hair is it's natural color, I don't have fake nails and worst of all ... I am pale. Yesterday I had planned on doing the treadmill, cleaning the house, and sitting in the sun from 12:00 - 2:00. Not much I can do about the hair or nails right now, but sunshine is free. I always feel better about myself when I have a little color. Or a lot. Besides, it was Sunday, and other than Craigslist, I really didn't have to feel guilty about sitting in the sun when I should be looking for a job.
I was at my computer, getting ready to do the treadmill. It was about 10:00. I could do the treadmill for 30-60 minutes, depending on how I felt. That would give me at least an hour to do some house work and be in the sun at noon. Gorgeous day. Warm, not hot. (50's at night...80's during the day - hafta always get the weather announced for my Florida haters) I could start on that new book. Reading always inspires to write. I can actually consider this kind of like working. Nothing to feel guilty about.
Then Iris called. She asked if they could come over so Joe could hang the other fixture.
"Sure! That'd be great!"
What was I supposed to say? Seriously. I need some guidance here. When we lived in Florida and they came home for the winter, we saw them maybe four times during their six month stay.
So they came back yesterday. Did I mention I was home alone? Iris came with turkey and bread and the minute she got here began to make sandwiches.
"Joe you want a sandwich?"
Oh no - please don't push the issue.
"NO. I came here to hang this. Not to eat."
Please don't push it - please don't push it - please don't push it.
"Joe. You have to eat."
"OK, Joe. You want something to drink?"
She is sooooo asking for it.
So Joe climbed up the ladder, muttered some stuff and said he had to go to the basement. He came back up and told me, "Kimi. You have to put a rug or something between by the door in the basement that goes in to the rage. You're wasting energy".
Oh, I almost forgot. After I did the treadmill, took a shower and swirled around the house, I remembered I have some Xanax. I rarely take them because they knock me out. I forgot how sleepy they make me.
"OK, Joe. I'll put a rug there." Yawn.
I swear, he made proabaly six trips to the basement and each time he resurfaced, he told me to put a rug by the door to save energy.
"OK, Joe".
He didn't get the fixture hung because whatever he needed, he needed it longer. (Iris didn't disagree on that one.)
Have I mentioned how the dogs lock me out? The back door has a handle, not a knob and they manage to lock it. I have mentioned it to Joe about a half a dozen times. Each time, he acts like we're discussing it for the first time. That's were Iris' harshness comes in handy.
As they were about to leave yesterday (and I was falling asleep), they said they'd be back some time this week to finish the fixture and replace the door knob. They left and I passed out. Woke up at about 5:00 and felt like a zombie. I don't get pill poppers. Other than the extra calories, why not just drink?
Robin goes in at 4:00 today. We went to bed discussing what we should do in the morning. I woke up to her on the phone.
"Iris and Joe are coming over to do the light and the door."
Time for me to go get that rug to put it by the basement door.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
What is it with me and baking?

Robin and I are under some stress with our current money situation. I really do feel awful that I cannot find a job. I am trying - every single day.
Since things are a little tense, I thought I'd surprise her with a homemade cake. I am not fond of baking, but we when bought our house in Miami together, I hadn't been fond of cooking either, and now I love it! Maybe this cool mountain air will bring out the baker in me. (Approximately 55 this morning. Supposed to reach 80's this afternoon. BTW...not sure if I have mentioned this. Where we are, we get news out of South Carolina. There are two regions in this area - "the upstate" and "the mountains". We are in the mountains and they are usually about 10 degress cooler than the upstate. Always makes me smile.)
I found a recipe for peanut butter cake the other day. I had all the ingredients except for butter milk, so I splurged on a half gallon. I have a great oven fried chicken recipe that calls for BM (as in butter milk, not the other BM. Actually, I may a have recipe that calls for BM BM too - I'll look for it), so I can plan on making that this week. I also found a recipe for "super easy broccoli and cheese soup - that's next.
Back to the cake. It was a very easy recipe. I checked and double checked that I made it right. My first reaction was just to stir it really well, but did I? No. I went all the way to the pantry and got out the MIXER. "If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it right", I thought.
The batter seemed a little on the watery side, so I checked the recipe for the third time. I had done everything correctly. I poured the batter in to two 9 inch pans and set the timer and waited. 30 minutes later, I removed them from the oven. The were the thickness of a decent size pancake!
I let them cool and then began frosting them with a canned milk chocolate frosting. The recipe called for homemade peanut butter frosting, but I thought the canned chocolate would be better. Certainly this is what they were supposed to be like and when I put one on top of the other, it would almost be like a real cake.
I cut a piece for Robin and a sliver for me. She took a bite and didn't say anything. "Well", I asked. "It's good." She didn't even look up. I took a bite and it tasted exactly like what a wet peanut butter sponge would taste like.
I must have made a face because Robin said, "You're not gonna eat that?", when she really meant, "Do I have to eat this?"
I took her plate and threw the whole thing out.
It seems that the only success I have in baking is baking homemade dog treats. And it's probably a good thing that the dogs don't talk.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Poor us...literally...poor us

We're poor, but we're happy!
This is where we'll be spending this afternoon. Robin is coming home at noon and we're gonna take a picnic to Dupont State Forest. It's about 80 degrees out with no humidity. Gonna go for a little hike!!
I've completed job applications for almost every place I can think of. Jobs and places I never dreamed I would apply for.
"Staples" (THAT was easy) is hiring. Went there yesterday for an application, only to be told to apply online. I noticed what they were wearing. Red shirts and black pants. And the shirts were tucked in. Oh hell no. Not only do I not like red and black together (sorry, Tiger), but I am not a shirt tucker inner. Then I thought about "WalMart". They wear tan pants and blue shirts. I could handle that. Applied for both jobs online this morning.
I assumed I'd get a job on Main Street here at a cute coffee shop or boutique. Nobody seems to be hiring. I've applied for some office jobs. Haven't heard a word. I don't even really want an office job. I certainly don't want cubicle work.
I know there is nothing really funny in this post. But I've been told by more than a couple people that the best blogs are the ones where the person writes something every day. Can't think of anything funny right now (other than me struggling between the attire at "Staples" v "WalMart").
Brady is on the floor next to me. He has horrific gas. That would be kinda funny if it wasn't so awful.
So I'm gonna throw together some tuna sandwiches and get ready for a FREE beautiful afternoon right up the road from here. And when we get home, my voicemail is going to be full of job offers.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Read it and weep, Florida
Sunday, September 12, 2010
To be sung to "The 12 Days of Christmas" (duh)

On the 12th day of September, this was what I did ~~~
12 Eggs a boiled
11 Glasses of water
10 Nails a polished
9 Coupons clipped
8 Hours of Lifetime Movie Channel
7 Facebook entries
6 Emails answered
4 Loads of laundry
3 Miles on the treadmill
2 Bathrooms cleaned
And a ve-ry crap-py lame song.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I'm no Nate Berkus...
Good thing our new friends are DOG people!
Lisa (under Brady) and her daughter, Samantha (the one who's not Robin), came over yesterday to look for a place to live. We found a BEAUTIFUL house nearby, so here's hoping it'll work out. After a sophisticated elegant dinner at Denny's, we came home to a mind stimulating and thought provoking evening of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" finale, Parts I and II.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Job searching is not for wusses.

I know I should be "out there" instead of writing here. The truth is, I just got home and I just don't have the heart for this today. Started at a small family owned pet store - "just hired a gal - seems to be working out fine - but check back." OK - I'll check back. Went next door to a family owned drug store - "not hiring now - but take this application and bring it back - we'll keep you on file". Took the application. Next was a really cute card and stationary store that I can't tell Robin about. She would spend all her money there. I asked the Asian woman if they're hiring. She nodded and smiled. A nod and smile?! OMG! I would LOVE to work at a place like this! "No. We no hiya now". Bitch, then why'd you nod?
Next stop, "Steinmart". My mother thought that would be a good place for me to work. Very close (all these places are within walking distance) and I'd probably get an employee discount. I walked in and asked if they're hiring. Three southern ladies were in a circle gabbing away. One of them looked at me, "Can I help you, ma'am?". I felt as though I'd interrrupted their discussion about "Big Brother" final three. (FYI and BTW - the Brigade made it to the end...poor Britney.) "I was wondering if you guys are hiring?" The lady literally gave me an up and down look and said no. Then I asked for an application. Fresh out. I think I should have said, "I was wondering if y'all are hiring" instead of "you guys".
This is such a humbling experience. Not only do I have to totally redefine and tweak my job experience and pay, but now I feel like I need to develop a fake southern accent.
Last stop before I came home was "Fresh Market". I did recently apply for a position online. The job title was "Cheese Specialist". Other than working around animals or maybe a tanning salon, I can't think of a better title for me. "Kim E. Frasier, Cheese Extraordinaire". How cute would business cards be with little varying sized holes in them - for swiss cheese? A lady told me that all their applications are done online. I'm finding that a lot. So I came home to see where I can apply online. Rejection is much easier in the privacy of my own home. Especially with a few dogs at my feet.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
New new background
Somebody, to whom I will refer as Little Miss Crabby Pants, complained about my old new background. Something about it being too hard to read, that it would be easier to read Braille.
You know who you are. Is this better? And don't think you're fooling me. You have a sour grapes attitude that you are in a muggy swamp and I am living in the cool mountain air. As a matter of fact, we are getting ready to go to Rosh Hashanah dinner at I and J's and I am wearing PANTS. Not shorts, not capris. Pants! And I may be chilly later.
Ta ta. Burr.
You know who you are. Is this better? And don't think you're fooling me. You have a sour grapes attitude that you are in a muggy swamp and I am living in the cool mountain air. As a matter of fact, we are getting ready to go to Rosh Hashanah dinner at I and J's and I am wearing PANTS. Not shorts, not capris. Pants! And I may be chilly later.
Ta ta. Burr.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Shoulda been us in that car. Next year.
Saturday we went to the Apple Festival with Iris and Joe. Knowing that Robin had to work the following Monday, Labor Day (aka Parade Day), Iris asked me, "Can we pick you up for the parade on Monday?"
Parades do nothing for me. Never have and never will. But I had no excuse not to go with them. I touched base with her yesterday morning and she said they'd pick me up around 1:00. Maybe sooner, maybe later. Bring a chair.
Because they are always early, I began waiting for them in my driveway at 12:30. Got a little sun without humidity while I waited. Perfect day. Warm, not hot. No clouds. (End of weather brag.)
They arrived and I got in the backseat. While Joe was trying to back out, Iris informed me that I needed to deadhead the plants along the driveway. Joe began yelling that the flowers would fall off need to pick them. Iris argued back that they're dead and need to be deadheaded.
We weren't even out of the driveway yet. Gonna be a long afternoon.
Iris wanted to park as close to the parade as possible. Has a bad back and trouble walking. Joe didn't park in the closest parking lot. Fight II.
With our chairs and pot leaf covered water bottles in hand, we hiked toward the parade. The entire time, Iris said she didn't want to sit in the sun. "I don't care if a bird doodies on my head, I want to sit in shade".
Joe kept trying to put his chair down in direct sun. Fight III.
Iris' back was prickly and her legs were on fire. But to get to a shady spot, we had to keep walking.
Joe pointed out a nice spot, but it was on the opposite side of the street. "No, Joe. I want to sit on this side. We always sit on this side."
Kept walking. Iris kept yelling about how far away from the car we were getting. Finally, Joe snapped. "Ivis!!! Vhat do you vant from me?" You vant shade, you vant close, you vant this side." Then he mumbled some other stuff. We finally settled in on a nice shady place on the other side of the street. I was secretly hoping that a bird would make a doody on her head, but no such luck.
Joe wanted an ice cream. He came back with one and offered Iris a lick. "What kind is it, Joe?" "It's poison. Eat some." "Joe, tell me what kind it is." "Look at it, I." "I don't have my glasses on, Joe. I can't see it." "It's chocolate".
Iris took a lick. "That's not chocolate, Joe." "It's a mix. Chocolate and vanilla. Twist or svirl." "Then why'd you tell me it was chocolate, Joe?" Fight number I've lost track.
The parade didn't disappoint me because I had no high hopes for it in the first place. But it was unusually bad. Iris and Joe were disappointed, especially Iris. Every year she looks forward to the Lake Lure Sweet T Ladies. It's a bunch of ladies dressed up with fake big boobs and they dance provocatively around the back of a pickup. No appearence by the T's this year.
They had to leave in order to be back home by 4:30. Victor and Joyce were coming over. I asked who they are. "Friends." I asked if they were serving them dinner. No. Going out? No. "Well, why are they coming over? What are you gonna do with them?" "I can't tell you," Iris said.
We left the shindig at about 3:45, before it was over. Joe walked down the middle of the street like he was part of the parade. Iris yelled at him. I kept walking, looking straight ahead. Finally made it to the parking lot where Iris had wanted to park and she stood still. "Ivis, what are you doing?" "Well, if you'd parked here, Joe, I wouldn't have to walk any further." "It's von block....mumble mumble".
The phone rang at 7:30 last night. Told Robin it was her mother. She told me to tell her she'd gone to bed. I did and I also asked if they'd had fun with Victor and Joyce. "Yes, we did." "What'd you do?" "We had an orgy."
And tomorrow begins Rosh Hashanah!!!! The first thing Iris said when we decided to move here was, "Oh good! We can have all the holidays together!!"
Septemeber is a big Jewish holiday month. Yay!?
Please notice:
Sunday, September 5, 2010
There's nothing any fina than to be in North Carolina
in Septeeeeember. (Maybe to be here in October? November? April? April's a good month. Good peeps done born in April.)
I wish I could say I haven't been here (here meaning here on my blog...not to be confused with here in NC) since 08/25/10 because I've been w-o-r-k-i-n-g. That, unfortunately, is not the case. I have been looking for work, but the pickens are slim. I do love having my own business (muttstruttcarolina), and think I'd love it even more if I actually had clients.
Not that it was difficult AT ALL, but I think Robin and I have fallen in to our roles as Carolina Girls very well. As a way to cut back on finances, I dyed my hair kinda back to it's natural color. It's been blonde so long, I don't even know for sure what the natural color is. What I have on there now kinda matches the roots, so it's good. I also did away with acrylic nails. These two sacrifices are only temporary. Once I'm working and things are back to normal, I'll go back to being the cheap looking floozy everyone knows. Dolly Parton once said, "It takes a lot of money to look this cheap"!
I have not, however, given up tanning. I have told Robin that I'd sooner give up vodka than tanning. I seriously hope I don't have a Sophie's choice to make.
I make Robin listen to John Denver in the car every time we go somewhere. Not really sure why, because his songs are all about West Virgina and the Rocky Mountains. Her favorite is "Thank God I'm a Country Boy", and she claims it's her theme song. Whatev. I always tell her that if I wanted to be with a 12 year old boy, I'd be with a 12 year old boy. Then again, I'm not Mary Kay Letournea Milli Vanilli. Although I am fascinated by that story. Same with Aileen Wuornos. Love me some bad girls.
Robin has had a bad back lately. Today she felt like nursing it. Being the great and compassionate partner I am, I suggested (after an hour of her nursing it) that we get outside and enjoy the perfect weather. (Warning: I am super excited about the upcoming fall and winter. If you continue to read my blog, you will hear all about it and I'm sure you will become very tired very quickly about the weather in Western North Carolina. Sorry in advance.) We decided to grab our cameras and look for a waterfall. We wound up at the Dupont National Forest. You may want to check the weather station, because I'm pretty sure that hell has frozen over. Today we HIKED!!!! And the very best part is that we loved it! There are so many places to hike around here too. It's close, convenient, FREE, healthy, outdoors (equals free tan ~ vodka, you're in the lead), and we can bring dogs! Then we came home and I made a big batch of beef stew and homemade bread.
How much more North Carolinian can we be?
(Note to self: I know you hadn't planned on hiking today, but in the future, when you do plan on it, don't wear flip flops. You're not in Florida any more.)
PS: Yes, I do understand that hiking may not have been the best thing for Robin's back. I'll walk on it later for her. Not in flip flops though.
PSS: Now that song, "Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls", is stuck in my head. Never liked that song and I surely don't like it now. Gonna play "Annie's Song" and see what happens.
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