Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So close....

So now that I've decided to become an athlete, I've been thinking about all the other things in my life that I do now that I never thought I'd do.

The first one is having become a pretty decent cook. Was just stirring my sauce (as opposed to hitting it), and I came out to announce to Robin how proud I am of her (She had a big depo today.) And me.

Me: "You know what? There is no reason why I can't become a runner. Whodathunk 2 years ago that I'd be making an Emmerrit Gasse recipe? If I can do that, I can certainly become a runner".

Her: "A what recipe?"

Me: "It's pork and wild mushroom sauce."

Her: "Who's the chef?"

Me: "Emm. Er. Something. Shut up. I can't be an athlete, a chef, AND be expected to know everything".

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