Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Shut the Duct Up" is off to a good start!

Our first paying customer (and friend) ordered three totes in the color of her grandson's football team.  (Thank you sooooo much!)   Pray to God she likes them!

BTW ~ We are in the middle of setting up a website,  In the meantime, if anyone wants to order something, let me know here.   Don't forget, there is duct tape available in tons of sports teams.  Plus I can likely find any combination of school colors too.

In Iris and Joe news (speaking of which, Happy Rosh Hashanah), Robin just hung up with Iris.  She got mad at Joe earlier and destroyed a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle he had almost completed.  Took her arm and in one fell swoop knocked it to the floor. 

Happy Holidays!!!!

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