Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ahhhhhh ~ Autumn!!!!

I did not take this picture, but I could have. It's a pretty common scene around here. In fact, I know of a barn not too far away that I think I will go take a picture of later, just to prove my point.

I love the fall! I always have, and really missed it during all the years I lived in Florida, especially Miami. We were here in NC last year, but didn't thoroughly enjoy the fall becase I think we were getting used to this new lifestyle. It really was like a culture shock. This year I plan on enjoying every single second of the season. It's my reward for not living near the ocean. I miss the ocean and beach with all my heart, but am very thankful that when the pangs get really bad, my folks are just a road trip away.

Although the new season is technically about a week away, our forecast is calling for highs of 59 tomorrow and a blustery weekend. Love the word "blustery". As much as I love being outside in the sun, I also love being nice and cozy in my house. Especially when I'm in a cooking mood. Nothing better than the smell of something good cooking and the dogs (and Robin) lounging around the house.

I've been pretty much glued to my phone and computer ever since I had a telephone interview two days ago. I am hopeful (what's beyond hopeful, because that's really what I am) that I will be asked for an in person interview soon. While I was interviewing the other day, I had a lightbulb moment and realized what a perfect fit I would be for this job. I was asked to send a cover letter to the manager and in it I explained to her that between my life experience, work experience and personality, I really would be an excellent match.

So until I get that email or phonecall, I am going to savor the cooler temperatures and watch the leaves change. Robin's ankle did not really heal properly, but she assures me she's up for hiking. Better take her up on that soon because it won't be long until it'll be too chilly for her.

Speaking of which! For those of you who are not on Facebook, I found the best thrift store treasure ever! Rode to Asheville with Robin the other day because she had a meeting. While I waited I shopped at Goodwill. I need a few things that I didn't have last winter, and one of those things is a pair of boots. The color pink always catches my eye and from afar, I saw them. A pink pair of winter boots!! Brand spanking new, to boot! Pun intended. I didn't care what size they were, I'd make them fit. I gasped when I saw they were exactly my size. They're too pretty to hike in, so I'll have to figure something out.

Off to check my email...

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