Sunday, February 6, 2011

Since Robin's been couch bound, I have taken the opportunity to make our basement MY OWN!

She's been down here a few times to help me out with computer issues, but not in a while.  Yesterday I redid the "dog room".  I am missing a dog painting, one in a series of three, and I went crazy turning the garage upside down looking for it.  We still have a number of boxes that we haven't unpacked.  Most of the stuff will go in a spring garage sale, but I did find a number of beachy/cute things that I am certain Robin hid from me.

The first thing I found is the manatee picture hanging to the left in Photo #1.  She hid that very well.  It was in a flat Fed Ex box with a mirror.  Won't she just love hobbling down here to find it hanging right next to where she sits?!

The second thing I found was the manatee painting to the right in Photo #2.  That was hidden in the camping section of our garage.  She almost got away with it.

Notice the flowers in pots in Photo #3?  They were in a box labeled "Office".  I'm sure Robin hadn't counted on me looking in that one.

In Photo #4, above her (a-hem) tool box thing is a little pink shelf.  On it is a sampler that says, "The Sun is Always Shing Somewhere".  Sweet, isn't it?  Yeah, well that was squeezed in between books in a box labeled, "Robin's Books".  Shoulda been labeled "Robin's Books and Kim's Sampler that She's Been Looking for since August, Thank You Very Little".

The trunks in Photo #5 are something I'd found at TJ Maxx in Miami.  (Of course it was in Miami, because a)  I haven't been to a TJ Maxx since moving to NC, and b)  We had money to blow on things like that when living in Miami.)  I instantly fell in love with them.  Found Robin in the store, grabbed her and took her to the trunks.  "Aren't they great?"  "Yeah!  Get 'em!"  Got them home and she announced that they needed to go in the guest room because she hated them.  Think she used the word 'hideous'.  I recently found them hidden behind a dresser in the garage and covered with a tarp.

Photo #6.  Not much to say other than that is our Christmas/holiday room.  Just like to brag that we have a Christmas/holiday room.

I never did find the dog painting I was looking for, but I found so much more.  Cannot wait til she comes down here again to see what I've done with the place. 

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