Monday, February 14, 2011


What a great day!!!!

My dad and Mandy got here around 11 something.  They both looked so good, but I was especially surprised at how awesome my dad looks.   Especially after my mother warned me to be prepared, "Your father has probably aged a lot since the last time you saw him."  (Summer of 2003)

He is a charmer, that's for sure.  Having never met him before, Robin is now smitten.  They hit it off.

Mandy is a perfect little sister.  When my father asked, "Why do you have so many dogs?", Mandy asked him, "Why do you have ten cars?"  Touche!

Went to lunch and started talking about sex.  That's normal between sisters, but in front of your father?  Oddly enough, it didn't feel awkward.  (I know. It should have.)  Mandy told me when she first had sex with her husband and I didn't believe her.  So she got him on the phone.  Mind you, I have never spoken with him before. 

"Hi Babe!  Sup?"

"Hi Neil!  It's Kim, Mandy's sister."

"Oh hi Kim!  How are you?"

"Good, you?  Neil I have a question for ya.  When's the first time you and Mandy had sex?"

Without skipping a beat..."Hell!  I can't remember the last time we had sex."

I love him!!!

Then I said, "Here.  Say hello to Uncle Robin."  My father loved that!

We did a little shopping on Main Street.  Went in to "Mast General".  Mandy, Robin and I were looking at stuff and lost my dad.  He then caught up, took me aside and said, "Do you have a wind chime?"


"Would you like a wind chime?"

"Well HECK yeah!"

So he and I went to look at wind chimes.  


He said,  "Pick one out and whenever you see it or hear it, you'll think of me."

Lump in my throat ~~~ how sweet!  I will cherish this wind chime forever!

Went for ice cream, came home, visited some more, and they had to leave.  The visit was too short and too sweet but I promise we'll go see them before they leave TN at the end of April.  Promise Dad ~ I'll make the time.

I love you Dad and Mandy - thanks for everything!!!!

And Dad?  I told my mom that I told you that she said to be prepared because you may have aged a lot.  Got a "Kim Elizabeth!  You did not!"  She's mad - tee hee.

Oh and Robin gets a C for clever.  My dad is a reformed smoker.  Have been telling her for two days that he will lecture her to death about smoking.  What'd she do?  Slapped a patch on her arm right before they got here.


Ingy said...

I have a LUMP in my throat too!!! I love it. I love you all, that is not just a line. SWEEEEET!!!!

tungkaran hati.blogspot said...

Blog marche….! Votre blog est super