Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Robin turns 50 this month.

I was just making quesadillas (remember all the cheese we bought?) for lunch.  Heard a "that's nice" from the living room.  Asked her what she'd said.

Her:  "Nothing."

Me:  "Well you said something.   What'd you say?"

Her:  "NOTHING!"


Her:  "I just got an effing (cleaned up version) saying, "Old lonely seniors want to date you."


Then I received the following email from her a little later.....mind you, I was sitting right next to her.  A lot of our communication is via email even when we're in the same room.

{{{uh, why am I getting this and ads about lonely seniors wanting to date me

Are you over 50? It may seem like an obvious one, but a membership with the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has a lot of discounts, coupons and benefits. For less than $2 a month you can get benefits like better rates for sponsored coverage on health, auto and homeowner’s insurance, tremendous deals on travel (airfare, car rental, hotels, cruises) and that’s just to name a few.

The AARP is also a heavy advocate in Washington, lobbying for members on the issues that matter to you most like healthcare, retirement and social security.

So if you’re not already a member, you might consider signing up here, where you can add a spouse for free. Here are some of the current membership rates:}}}

To which I responded, "Cuz u old".

Being the optimist that I am, I pointed out the fact that she will soon become a member of AARP and just think about all the discounts, coupons and benefits she'll be entitled to. 
Then I got the hell out of her way and went out and ran an errand.  Errand being getting her cigarettes.
While in my car, I started thinking.  50 years old.  AARP.  FIFTY YEARS OLD?  FIFTY?!
I am with a 50 year old?  How did this happen?  I am waaaay too young to have a partner who's 50.  My life mate is about to be a member of AARP? 
I think of my mother as being 50.  I remember her 50th like it was just last year.  Got her an antique wheelchair.  We had a party when Nelson turned 50.  I have celebrated the big FIVE OH with many a friend. 
That's different.
I haven't really been too upset about any of my own milestone birthdays.  But this?  Robin turning 50? 
I should factor in the fact that she doesn't look her age at all.  She has excellent genes.  That's good.
She sure as hell doesn't act 50.  I guess that's good.
She doesn't dress like an old lady.  Au contraire.  Sheee dresses like a 12 year old skateboard dude.  I've often told her that if I wanted to be with a little boy, I'd be with a little boy.  (I know, there are laws.  Just making a point.)
But the fact remains.  Soon our mailbox will be stuffed with flyers and junk mail meant for the elderly.  Will I ever be able to look at her without seeing that old lady on Thursdays in my line squinting up at the screen, asking if I'd given her the senior discount?    Speaking of which, the other day someone told me she was a senior and asked me if I wanted to see her ID.  Had all I could do to not say, "No, that's OK.  I can see your face."
Back to Robin.  Other than the loss of a parent or a really close friend or relative or a serious illness, we have been through every bad thing as a couple that you can think of.  And we've survived.  So I suppose I can survive her turning 50.
We'll see.  I have until the 19th to decide whether or not I want to make a run for it.

1 comment:

Eliza M. said...

hi sorry I'm from Brazil Portuguese only understand the translator'm young and I know not knowing Portuguese alqua diss me do not know anyone ta bye
I loved the story