Think things like that only happen in movies and "Sex and the City"? (That was a little joke. I am fully aware that "Sex and the City" is a movie. A documentary on the lives of four friends, but a movie just the same).
The answer is no...Robin and I have actually been cordially invited to a party tomorrow night. It was a voicemail invitation from one her clients, who happens to be a semi-famous photographer. The invitation went something like this...
"Hi Robin, it's so and so. Look, I'm having an impromptu party Sunday night for the Grammys. Hope you and your partner can make it. Oh and by the way, we'll be serving sushi form naked models' bodies. Hope to see you there!"
OK...when Robin told me about the party, she left out the sushi from naked bodies part. Of course, my first thought was what to wear. After an hour or three of badgering, she let me hear the message.
We've both been sick with this damn headcold for a week. I have nothing to wear and don't want to spend money on something I'll probably just wear once. And that's if I could even FIND something to wear.
But cooooommmme ooooonnnn - how many times in your life are you invited to a party like this? So what if we're the sore thumbs in the crowd? As long as the sushi isn't being served from this body, who cares? (I'd be finding rice and seaweed in crevices for weeks).
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