Saturday, January 3, 2009

12 Hours Later...

Here I am 12 hours later after my pity party. I abstained from alcohol yesterday, ate very healthy foods and even managed to get in a workout, which is rare on a Friday AND working out of the house.

Although I rarely wake up with a "hangover", there are many perks about waking up without having drank the night before. They include having a clear head and clear eyes, remembering everything I watched on TV, and knowing darn well that there is no doubt I'll get the dreadmill in today (7/7 days, thank you). But the very best thing is knowing that when Robin wakes up this morning, I will not be blindsided by something I did or said last night. If you drink, you know what I mean. I have spent many foggy mornings having gotten up before her, waiting for her to get up. It's like waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Oh no - what did I say? What did I do? Did I even say or do anything?" Sometimes I can't answer that until she gets up and then I have to take the wait and see approach.

Not today though. No surprises, no guilt, no shame.

And I get to say 15/19 days AF!

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