It's Friday night and I want a drink, damn it. I've had a very stressful week, what with working a day and a half, and I just need to unwind.
Whoever said quitting drinking is easy is stupid. What? Nobody ever said that? Well, good, because it's not true. This totally sucks - it's like giving up your sidekick of 25 years.
A friend from the message board mentioned something like when you're trying to be alcohol free, doesn't it feel like there's nothing to look forward to? YES - that is exactly how it feels. My therapist may try to sugar coat it with words like "uncomfortable", but I assure you, this feeling is far worse than uncomfortable. I dare say, although it's not exactly torture, the feeling is closer (to me right now) to torture than uncomfortable.
OK - I'm done whining for now. Gonna go watch the clock for it to strike quarter til not too early to go to bed.
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