Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Ivis!

Today is Iris' birthday.  Robin asked her, "What are you 94?  95?" 

No response.

When they were here the other day, we gave her her gift.  I figured maybe I'd make dinner for her tonight.  Would much rather have them here than go over there.  First of all, Joe keeps the air on 80.  Secondly, there is a ceiling fan in their kitchen, but she can't use it if she's cooking because it blows out the flame on the stove.  Thirdly, it's waaaaay too quiet.  If we're not talking, you can literally hear the clock ticking.  Worse, you can hear everyone chewing when we're eating and I hate that.  Then there's always the begging to play dominoes.

Well I don't have to worry about what to make because as they were leaving Joe said, "Vednesday is my vife's birthday.  My vife loves "Asiana".  You'll come.  Ve pick you up at five."  Then they left and, as always,  I watched him pull out of the driveway.  In his defense, the driveway is a little tricky.  Our friend, as I mentioned before, plowed over our mailbox when leaving the other day.  Her car has a nice little boo-boo on it and she consideres it totalled.  Her husband told us we owe them $30,000 because they're gonna have to get a new car now.  And Robin can barely make it out, too.  But in her defense, we've only lived here for almost two years.  I personally have it mastered and love to back out as fast as I can.  Call me a show off.  But Joe takes the cake.  Takes him about 15 minutes to get out of the driveway and meanwhile, the traffic backs up.  Tried to get a picture the other day but couldn't get my camera to turn on.  Next time.

I am not picky about restaurants.  If I don't like them the first time, I always will give them a second chance.  But there are two places here that I do not like.  "Asiana" is one of them.  It's an upscale Chinese buffet.  Chinese is my least favorite food.  I don't even think Iris likes it that much, but Joe certainly does.  Not sure why, because he could literally eat a piece of bread and be done.  But that's where we're going and it will be fine.

The main thing I am dreading is Joe's driving.  He has a Jag and doesn't know how to drive it.  Plus he doesn't know how to work the air.  Plus he speeds like a demon and ignores all traffic signs.  I told Robin I am dreading the 30 minute drive.  She tooks Buddhist vows last week and one of them is to always be truthful.  She said that we could just meet them there and I asked what would our reason be.  "The truth.  Joe's driving makes Kim sick."  Obviously we can't say that.  Buddhism should have a loophole for little white lies. 

These Buddhist vows and classes have really been good for Robin.  But I have to admit that once in a while I ask her to set them aside for five minutes and be the old Robin.  We had a situation recently where I was really upset and uncomfortable with someone and she was all zen like.  Really pissed me off.  The old Robin would have been right there with me, venting and complaining and so on.  JuBu was like, "Kim, you're gonna just have to let it go."   So then I turned my anger on her.

Back to tonight.  In addition to drive, I am also dreading the fact that Iris takes forever to eat.  And Robin is the opposite.  Robin will shovel down her food and then leave to go outside to smoke, leaving me there alone with them, which is fine, but they bitch at ME over the fact that Robin smokes too much.  This happens every single time. 

The drive home will be the worst part.  Iris will want to take the scenic way, which is twice as long.  Twice as long in a hot backseat, full of greasy Chinese food, smelling like greasy Chinese food, and praying to God that I don't throw up. 

Once we're home, we'll be glad we went.  Plus you never know whether or not this is someone's last birthday.  Especially when they're 94 or 95.

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