I just made a pot of chili. I always cry when cutting onions and today was not an exception. I cut up a little orange pepper from Robin's (ahem) garden and I literally could smell the heat when I cut it open.
Backing up. I went through a pottery painting phase about ten years ago. The only thing I have left is a dog bowl for Buddy. It has broken in three pieces several times and I always glue it back together. I'm superstitious about it ~ as long as I can save the bowl, I'll have my Buddy. So it fell apart again last night and I had it on the counter to use my hot glue gun on it. After decorating that wreath, I now know that that kind of glue is practically indestructable. Robin didn't realize my plan and used Gorilla Glue on it. She must have used the entire bottle because it was all over the counter and it didn't hold the bowl together. I tried to wash it off the bowl and in the process, I got it all over my hands. I washed and washed and it wouldn't come off. So my hands were sticky to say the least.
Back to story. Once everything was chopped and opened and cooked for the chili, I tossed it all in the crockpot. This "should" prevent Brady from helping himself. I came to my computer to check Facebook (of course - God forbid I miss something), and I was still crying from the onions. Absent mindedly, I rubbed my eyes with my hands that were still covered in Gorilla Glue AND very hot pepper juice. Then I had to go to the bathroom. I couldn't even open my eyes, they were stinging so badly. I felt like my eyebrows were on fire. My entire face was burning and stinging, plus I was still crying. What a friggen mess! I felt like a train wreck. I had no option but to call for Robin. There I was seated on the toilet, crying like a little bitch, with flames practically flying out of my face.
Somehow when your entire face is on fire, sticky hands don't seem so annoying.
(This whole thing happened over two hours ago and my face is still stinging.)
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