This is a picture of traditional Hanukkah food. I have no idea what it is, but I'm sure it's good. Unless it's gefilta fish. Or liver.
Sent Robin an email asking her what we're doing for Hanukkah dinner.
Jerk. Not as in "Robin is a jerk", but jerk as in Jamaican food.
We're gonna have friggen curried chicken and peas (really means beans)and rice for Hanukkah??!
Oh! Just as I was writing this, she called! Has a headache and doesn't feel like going to get jerk, can we order out?
Hell to the yeah!!
My favorite deli is "Mo's" in North Miami Beach and they deliver!! (May not be open tonight now that I think about it). Sure hope they are, cuz now I'm jonesing for a BLT. (To those of you who aren't famaliar with the Jewish culture, that was a joke because Jewish people don't eat bacon).
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