We have a psycho in the hood and it's not Robin.
We think we had a peeping tom last week and we think we know who it is. Yesterday and Friday, two other incidents happened. With Robin having 47 lawsuits going at any given time against the Biscayne Park (where we live in Miami) Police Department, we decided we may be better off not calling them. (No worries - the City of North Miami Beach is right up the street and now their number is programmed in to my phone).
Today we went to the shooting range. Robin's been before and is scarily good. For a fist timer, I didn't do too badly myself. I even got a hole in one! I mean a bullseye. For those who have never shot before, it's not as easy as it looks.
Robin went on and on about how well I did. It may be true because right after, she insisted on taking me to one of my favorites places for lunch that she hates. Then she insisted we go to Target. Then she wanted to wait while I tanned. Then she asked if I need anything from the liquor store.
I think she's totally kissing up. She's gonna start living in fear. I think I'll get a holster and start walking bowlegged as a constant reminder that she needs to watch it.
Too bads the dogs didn't see me.
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