We got here yesterday. Took us about 12 hours, but it wasn't too bad of a trip, especially when we saw the Blue Ridge Mountains. I grew up in the Foothills of the Adirondacks, but these seemed 100 times bigger. I can only imagine what they look like in the fall.
Highlights of the trip thus far:
1) We arrived at Iris and Joe's and had the new house tour. Very nice. The best part was when we were going out to bring our stuff in, Joe insisted we go through the garage. We assumed he had some tools or a fishing pool or some crap to show us. Opened the door and I could not believe my eyes! When we took them to the airport a few months ago to come to NC, I asked how they were gonna get around. "We bought a car". That's all that was said. Iris just turned 77 and Joe is about 87. So you can imagine our surprise to see a JAGUAR sitting in their garage.
2) Iris and Joe had to go to physical therapy this morning, so Robin and I were on our own. We got in the car and started looking for a house to rent. Ew. Yuck. Nice, but no fence. Love it - called - no pets. Repeat. We were in the middle of nowhere and two family (in the gay world that means same sex couples) were out for their morning walk. We stopped and asked them a couple questions about the area. Long story short - they are a super nice couple who were very helpful. We are actually going to their house for drinks tonight.
3) Our aforementioned new best friends hooked us up with a realtor who is showing us a renovated farmhouse on Wednesday. Sounds incredible!!
4) We continued to drive around. The mountains are so steep and winding, we both got car sick.
5) Spent a couple hours in Asheville (20-30 minutes away) this afternoon! Absolutely fell in love with the city! It reminds me of Grenwich Village surrounded by gorgeous mountains. We were so impressed by the diversity and trendiness. Were even entertained at an outdoor cafe by a couple of street musicians. They were good, but one of them made me nervous. His pants kept slipping down and we saw frontal nudity. Iris insists we take her there tomorrow.
LOL about the musician. I knew you'd like Asheville! My husband and I would totally move there if it weren't for work. There is so much to see and do for a small city. Good luck finding a rental...lots of dogs are a challenge. Hope if you move that we'll get to meet up someday!
Thanks, Jenny! We'll definitely have to get together when we move up here!
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